Chapter 11

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  (Sorry guys that the newest chapters always start out as short and I make you all go and read the old chapter again. But there is just so much I can type before running out of ideas. So please bare with me.)

His father just laughed and tries to wrestle out of my arms and I go and grab for his gun and tries to yank it out of his hands. Big mistake on my part because that's when the gun went off. Now I didn't know who it was pointed at because of the struggle we were doing. But I honestly thought I was the one who got shot. But it was his dad after I let go of him and the gun.

His father falls to the ground and blood blossoms on his shirt a part of me felt bad for what happened the other part was glad. I didn't try to help him I ran off and went back to Damon. But I knew I was too late to save him. For a while I was struggling with his dad he was slowly dying from the blood loss. But I wasn't going to give up I listened to his heart putting my head on his chest. I heard the faint thump thump of his heart. I go over to his dad and takes his keys to his truck.

I didn't have to go looking for the truck for long I found it and drove it back to Damon. I picked him up carefully and puts him in the truck. I make sure that he was secured before running to the drivers side and getting in. I started the truck and pulled out and drove him to the hospital. I was breaking the speed limit as I was driving but I didn't care. All I cared about and thought about was saving him. Luckily no police were by so I didn't get pulled over.

Once I made it to the hospital finally I quickly park and gets out going to the passenger's side and picks him up and carries him inside. "Someone help please! He has been shot he needs a doctor!" I shouted out loud. A nurse ran over to me with a gurney and I put him on it and they quickly wheel him into the nearest surgery room. I tried to go in with them but I was stopped by a nurse I tried to fight against the nurse but she was too strong.
Finally I just gave up and let them escort me to the waiting room. 

*A few hours later*

One of the doctors walked towards me and I wait to hear the bad news that they were going to tell me. "Are you Lucas?" The doctor asked. I nodded my head and stood up waiting to hear what the doctor was going to say. "Well we tried everything we could to save him he is in critical care now. Due to lack of oxygen to the brain he is in a coma. We aren't sure when he is going to wake up," the doctor said. I felt my heart sink to the floor and I try to fight back the tears.

"Can I go and see him?" I asked him. "Yes you can but don't expect a response from him. All we can do is wait," he said. I followed him to the room Damon was in. My heart sank and I felt pale as if all the blood had rushed out of me and not him. I walk over to his bed and pulls up a seat next to his bed and grabs his hand and looks at him. I couldn't believe this I finally got to tell him how I felt and all of this mess happened.

I should have never told him then he wouldn't be in this mess. This was all my fault I thought we could be happy and have his dad not find out until we were old enough to move out. But I was wrong I was living too much into a dream to see reality for what it was. Those few months with him were like a dream. I wish I could go back and live that dream again. I laid my head next to his.

I close my eyes and I fall asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep until I heard something. I sat up quickly and looks around wondering what caused me to wake up. I didn't see anything at first and then I begin to relax. Then I hear something behind me and I turn around and gasp in surprise. It was Damon's dad again and he was back blood was dripping all over the place.

But he didn't look like he noticed he had blood lust in his eyes and he was looking right at me. "Did you really think you would see the last of me? Words of advice when trying to kill someone make sure they are dead. Now you are going to regret it," he says. I jump up and tries to jump on him but he moves out of my reach. He pulls out another gun he had hidden on him and aims the gun at Damon. 

I quickly scramble up and tries to get to him again. But I was too late he pulls the trigger and Damon's body gets jerked from the impact of the bullet. It went straight into his brain killing him instantly. That was when I got mad and I lost it. I got up off the ground and jumped on his dad knocking us both down onto the ground. I wrap my hands around his neck trying to choke the life out of him. But pretty soon I was pulled off of him.

I look up and see the doctor and two security guards there. They asked me what happened and I told them everything. After I was done the security guards let me go and haul up Damon's dad taking him away. I looked over at Damon and saw one of the nurses that came in goes and covers up Damon's face. I couldn't help but fall on my knees and cry. 

*Back to the present*

*Josh's point of view*

I couldn't help but wipe my eyes and walks over to Lucas and wraps my arms around him. He stiffens in my arms at first but then hugs me back and doesn't let me go. We stay that way for a while holding onto each other. After a while Lucas pulls away and looks at me I see his eyes are shining and he was trying really hard not to cry. "Its ok to cry in front of me you know I am here and I will always be here," I said. 

He nodded his head and then lets the tears fall and I pull him close cuddling him to me and that was when. For the first time in my life I saw Lucas cry and all I did was sit there and held him as he cried his heart out. I rocked us and sung to him until finally the shaking sobs stopped and he was able to calm down. He looked up at me and blushed for the first time I see him blushing.

"Your cute when you blush did you know that?" I asked him. He blushes more and looks away I couldn't help but giggle and kiss his cheek. He turns back to me and then kisses me deeply. I start to blush and I kiss him back deeply I knew this for a fact that I loved him a lot and wanted to always be with him. Little did I know that it was going to be harder than we both thought. But until then we kept living on blissfully. He and I end up going on a date and then we fall on his bed and just hold each other close.

I would have started getting him excited and turned on but I knew he was going to need my comfort so I don't do anything but cuddle him and we both end up falling asleep. I made sure that I held him tightly before I let the darkness take over completely and I get pulled into the blissful darkness. 

*The next day*

*Josh's point of view*

I woke up the next day and looked down. 

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