Chapter 1

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*Josh's point of view*

Ever since I could remember I have always liked boys I have tried to like girls before but it never seemed to work so I just gave up on it. My parents however have not they still try to get me to like girls by setting me up on blind dates. I mean who does that these days? Why can't I be allowed to date whoever I want? Some of my friends are gay and their parents don't mind it at all. So why can't my parents? I sigh as I think about all of this as I sit in my room and hear my parents arguing about me.

They seem to be doing that a lot lately now that I think about it I try to drown them out by listening to my music as my favorite bands play and I don't hear my parents arguing I begin to relax. I thought they would be fine with me being gay like they were fine with me being emo but I guess I was wrong they rather have me be an emo then a gay one. I sit in my room and listen to music more until I see my parents pop into my room. I look up at them and turn off my music and wait to hear what they are about to say.

"Sweetie we were thinking about you going to a new school maybe if you went somewhere new it will help with your phase you are going through," my mom says to me. I can't help but grit my teeth when she says the word phase as if I would grow out of being gay. I have been gay since I was 10 and now that I am 16 and still gay. My parents write it off as me not yet growing out of my phase. But I don't say anything but nod my head and put my music back on.

Which is my que and theirs to leave me alone they finally left and I feel the tears sliding down my face. I hated it on crying I get off the ground and stands up and sits on my bed and grabs my pillow and buries my face in it and I begin to cry. I cry because I hate that my parents want to change me and that they think sending me to a new school would do just that.

*Lucas's point of view*

I can't help but smile when I see my target heading towards my way I could tell he was eager to get close to me. Since we aren't in school anymore the kid doesn't hide that he is gay I could tell by the way he kept looking at me up and down. I gave him my most bad boy smile I could think of and I am rewarded when the kid picks up his pace. He gets to me and without me saying anything I pull him in and kiss him deeply. The boy kisses me back and I hear him moan as I nip at the bottom of his lip.

Finally I pull away and the boy looked disappointed but I grab his hand and pull him away from the place I told him to meet me. I begin to walk with him and pull him to a place I knew we could be alone and have fun. A few hours later we both lay breathing heavily. (A/N: only doing sex scenes when it comes to Josh and Lucas) I could tell that the boy was in love with me but I did not feel the same way. I only did one night stands ever since the incident that happened 3 years ago.

I shake my head making the thoughts go away I get up and without saying a word got dressed and left the boy there by himself. The funny thing is I don't even remember his name nor do I want to for knowing the persons name means being attached to that person. I was not going to be attached to anyone again.

*The next day*

*Josh's point of view*

I get up and get ready to go to my new school I couldn't help but be nervous about it. After all I was only in my junior year of high school. Well this will be my first day as one but at a new school when I told my friends about it. They couldn't help but be sad about it and I didn't blame them even though I got picked on. I knew I wasn't alone because I always had my friends there to keep me going. But since I'm starting in a new school? I won't have anyone to back me up if things go bad. I don't think about it after my parents dropped me off I head towards the office.

I walk in the school and I don't even bother to look around I ignore some of the stares I got even though I am gay. People still find me attractive until they found out I was gay and then they go and pick on me. So I just keep on going until I get to the office and a nice lady smiles at me and without me saying anything she hands me my class schedule. This school is small so its no surprise that this lady knew everyone here. I just smile and takes it along with a map of the school and I heads to my first period class a little late.

Once I get there the teacher smiles at me and I begin to relax some. "Class this is our new student Josh Chesterfield please show him kindness like you do towards your friends and Josh please tell us a little bit about yourself," she tells me. I couldn't help but groan inside of my head of course she would want me to speak about myself to the whole class. I just smile. "I am Josh and I am new here and I love rock music like black veil brides and other bands. I also like anime and that's pretty much it," I say.

The teacher smiles at me again and then she points to a boy that is sitting in the back by himself. "You can go and sit next to Lucas I'm sure he would be happy to help you out on catching up," she says to me. I nods my head and I walk over to Lucas he looks like an emo as well but shows it more by having snake bites and having his brow pierced. I couldn't help but see a tattoo circled around his neck. The boy looks up when I sit down and I see him smile at me.

*Lucas's point of view*

I couldn't help but look at the new kid normally I would skip class but when I heard the rumors going around about a new kid and he was a boy. Of course I had to meet him and sure enough I'm glad that I did. The boy Josh as the teacher called him and as he said has the same style of hair as me and I couldn't help but knew I had to get this boy in my clutches. "Hello my name is Lucas and it's a pleasure to meet you. If you need help with anything let me know," I said to him.

Josh smiles at me and I smile back. "That would be great thank you," he says to me. I just knew it wouldn't be long before this boy was in my bed. I think to myself as I turn back around and pays attention a little in class. After class is over with I go over and takes the boys class schedule and notices that we have all of the same classes together along with lunch. "Hey we have the same classes together just stay by me and I will show you the way around this place," I say to him.

Josh nods and stays by me. I noticed he hasn't really said much to me besides what I got out of him during class. I noticed that he seems to draw in on himself and normally any guy would be up and rearing to go to talk to me. But not him and I couldn't help but like that.

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