Chapter 3

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I let go of the boys hand and he scampers away and I look up to see Josh staring at me. I couldn't help but feel bad for what he saw. But I shouldn't feel that way for feeling that way meant I do like him and I can't have that. I have half a mind to bolt and run and forget about the plan. But when I look at Josh I can't help but want to help him out. So instead of bolting for it I went over to him and grabs his hand and pulls him along. 

Finally when we are away from the school I stop and goes over to Josh. "I'm sorry for what happened back there he thought he and I were dating but it's not true I wasn't expecting him to act that way," I told Josh. I couldn't believe that I was explaining this to him I never had to explain myself before. Usually I just didn't care but with Josh it was different. "It's ok I understand I am just more concerned about you. Did he hurt you at all?" Josh asks me. 

I stand there wide eyed and then I couldn't help but smile. "I am fine I didn't get hurt at all," I said to him. As I was saying this to him I pull him close to me and kisses him lightly at first. But then the kiss becomes more urgent and before I know it I have him pinned against a tree. I hear a moan escape him and I kisses him more and kisses my way down to his neck. 

*Josh's point of view* 

I couldn't help but shiver in pleasure at his touch I never been kissed by a boy like this or at all. So I was surprised that I knew what I was doing. But then he pulls away and catches his breath and I do the same thing. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I want to do this in a proper place not out here in the woods," he says to me. I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster on what he said. "I-It's ok I understand that well," I say to him. Lucas nods his head and we head to my place. 

He walks me to the door and I turn around and looks at him. "Well do you want to meet my parents or wait until we go on our date?" I asked him. He smiles at me. "Let's do it now and get it out of the way," he said. I nods my head and I start to get nervous but I knew I could do this. So I open the door and walks inside. "Hey mom and dad I am home and I have someone I would like you to meet," I call out. I knew I had to get it over with on this. 

Within moments they both appear at the same time. They walk over to me and Lucas comes in and closes the door behind him. My parents look him up and down and you could tell they didn't approve of the way he dressed. But they don't say anything. "Momdadthisismyboyfriend," I said it in such a rush that all the words were jumbled into one so I say it more clearly. "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend," I take a deep breath and waits for the blow up. 

Sure enough on que my parents get mad and blow up. "Are you kidding me? This is not what we wanted to happen," my dad says loudly. I flinch as he yells and I start to shake but then I feel someone sliding their hand inside of mines. I look over at Lucas and smile at him he smiles back at me. I feel stronger now I take a deep breath. "I don't care anymore me being gay isn't a phase dad it's who I am and want to be. I'm tired of you guys trying to change me into something I can't be nor want to be," I say.

I pause for a moment getting my thoughts pulled together before I say anything else. "You guys don't seem to care about how I feel all you guys care about is yourselves and it ticks me off. Either except me as who I am or make me hate and resent you both for the rest of my life its your guys is choice. I am not going to hide anymore on who I am I like boys and that's all there is too it I say," I feel so confident that I pull Lucas to me and kisses him in front of my parents. 

I hear them gasp in shock and then I feel my dad pull me away from Lucas. "That is enough out of you, you are grounded and your never allowed to see that fag again got it?" My dad yells at me. I am shocked on what he just called Lucas and I get angry but before I say anything someone speaks up. "With all due respect you can't stop us from seeing each other and I hate assholes like you who think your better just because your straight. But I bet you are gay since you love being an asshole so much you must love it up the ass," Lucas says to my dad. 

I can't help but hide a smile. I look at my dad and I see how angry he is. But it serves him right for what he did. But then he does the unthinkable and goes and slaps me across the face. My eyes widen in shock my dad has never hit me before I feel tears spring to my eyes but I fight them off so I won't cry. I pull my arm out of his grip and runs out of the house. I hear my parents call out my name but I just keep on running. I trip and fall after running for a while and I just lay there and curls up and cries. 

Then I hear someone running behind me I get up quickly and frantically look around for a hiding spot afraid that my dad ran after me. That he was going to hit me again but then when I hear the person shout out my name I sigh in relief. It was none other than Lucas who was calling out my name I go and follow his voice. When Lucas sees me he looks relieved and he runs to me and hugs me tightly and doesn't let me go. I am surprised by this I just hugs him back. Then as if being hugged by him was the one thing I needed to let go and cries more. 

We just stand there like that me with my face buried in Lucas's chest and Lucas just holding me like this and stroking my hair. Finally after a while I begin to calm down and then pulls away a little and looks at him. "What happened when I left?" I asked him. Lucas just shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know after you ran I ran after you," he says to me. I nods my head and wipes the tears from my eyes. "Now where am I going to go? I can't go home nor do I want to," I say. 

"I know a place you can stay at for a while just until things blow over we are still doing this deal. Like I promised you this isn't over still," he says to me. I smile and I take his hand and he squeezes my fingers and leads me to a place that looked abandoned. But still looked homey so when we go inside I am really shocked on what I find. This place looked amazing on the inside with furniture and a big flat screen tv with all kinds of game consoles lying around the flat screen.  I look at Lucas and he smiles when he sees my eyes are widen in shock. "You think your the only one who wants to get away from family?" He says jokingly. I couldn't help but grin and smile. "Nah I didn't think so I'm just surprised to see all of this you know I take it this is a one bedroom apartment?" I asked him.   

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