Playing with the press

Start from the beginning

"nah, I'm fine and luckily the press took it easy on me" I smirk. "well don't make a habit of it" he chuckles. "is your mother still pissed at you about it?"

"kind of" I shrug "what do you mean kind of?"

"she was more concerned about the rumours me and Alex broke up because he was cheating and wants me to spend the day out in the town acting all loved up"

"and what did you say?" He asks biting his lower lips nervously. "I told her the truth. That I was gonna spend the day with my boyfriend and be all kissy and cuddly with him" I smile pecking his lips. "sounds good to me" he smiles back pulling me in close to him and kisses me softly.


Michael's POV

I know it was a little petty leaking a story that Alex cheated on Faith and they broke up, but it will actually work out better for her because now people won't be attacking her in the press. Plus it kind of is true. They really have broken up and the only fake part was that he cheated and left her.

we've spend most of the day hanging out in the arcade and watching movies. Faith seems happy, but I can tell something's bothering her. "did something else happen?" I ask switching off the movie and she looks at me confused. "no why?"

"you seem sad about something" I say softly "it's nothing"

"it must be something if it's upsetting you" she sighs and starts explaining about a charity musical her high school is doing that her mother refuses to let her be apart of.

"did she say why you can't do it?"

"nope! She just said 'because I said so' and that I'm gonna be a reporter not a singer and to stop talking about the school musical" she shrugs annoyed. "I tried to join the school music club once and she totally flipped out"

I don't say anything feeling myself getting more and more pissed that her mother won't let her sing and dance, which she clearly has a talent and passion for "I have an idea!" I smile taking her hand "where are we going?" She asks confused then the biggest smile grows on her face when I open the door taking her into my music studio.


Faith and I spend hours going through some new songs and dances I'm going to be doing for my next video and she even helped me write some lyrics for a charity song I'm working on and this is the happiest I've seen her.

the happy vibe we have is shut down when Faith phone rings and it's her mom

"Faith! Where the fuck are you!? I thought I told you to spend the day with do you think that looks in the media. Your supposed to be making it clear that your still together. There's not been a single mention of the two of you togther all day!" I hear Julie yell down the phone. "I did go to see Alex... But when I got there he was with Beth" she mumbles that last part "I thought the whole cheating was just a rumour, but it turned out to be true" she pouts playfully pulling me close to her. "hold on mom I did quite catch that" she smirks and pecks my lips then switches her phone on loud speaker. "I said I have to work late tonight because I'm working on the Jackson story. Turns out the rumours about Jermaine sleeping with Randy's wife are true. So I have to get this out fast before any of the Jackson's find out and put a stop to it" Faith places her finger on my lips while she continues talking and I listen as Julie gives more detail.

"ok, well I'll see you when you get home" Faith smirks hanging up the phone. "you didn't hear any of that did you?" She smirks "not a single word" I chuckle and kiss her softly which quickly deepens becoming a full on make out session "let's take this upstairs" I moan onto her lips and she nods taking my hand.


Faith's POV

I get home and my mom is yelling at somebody down the phone. "what's happened?' I ask innocently after she hangs up. " somone tipped off The Jackson's about the story and their threatening to sue anybody who prints it!" She snaps "I bet it was that fucking intern Steve! He's off the paper and I'm gonna make sure he stays off it!" She shakes her head annoyed and I smile to myself seeing how pissed she is. She wanted this story just as badly as I wanted to sing in the school musical. I kinda feel bad for Steve, but if I can't do what I want so badly then my mother can't have the stories she wants. "by the way how are you after the whole Alex cheating" my mom asks bringing me from my thoughts. "well I'm..."

"finally! I've been trying to get a hold of you for the past hour!" My mom says answering her phone cutting me off mid sentence. "I'm fine! Just heartbroken and depressed even a little suicidal" I say sarcastically. "that's great sweetie" my mom smiles at me and continues her call. "ok. Well I'm gonna go upstairs and hang myself now"

"sweet dreams" she says walking out of the room talking to whoever. And I roll my eyes annoyed and head upstairs to bed.

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