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Jackie's POV

I didn't sleep last night still thinking to myself if I should have left Faith and Michael alone while they were in such a bad way. I get that their both adults and need to grieve and even mother said that it was best to let them try and get some rest after everything happened yesturday, which doubt they got any sleep. I've spent most of the night crying over my grandaughter and I can't imagine what the two of them must be going through.

After I finish getting ready I go downstairs to let Enid know i'm leaving and she's sitting in the kitchen looking confused reading the newspaper. "are you ok?"

"Since when were Faith and Michael married?" she frowns confused and I go over and take the newspaper from her "you have got to be kidding me!?" I snap seeing the front page. "how the hell did the media find out!?" I snap "maybe you should read the whole thing" Enid mumbles  "this is the last thing they need right now" I sigh heavily flipping the page then stand confused reading the article and it says Faith and Micheal were both posting pictures of the two of them on their soical media accounts last night and announced the two of them got married. "this must be a mistake. they wouldn't have posted this last night" I frown confused looking at the pictures of the two of them smiling. "well they did  " Enid says "it's obviously a mistake. they must have posted that stuff in the morning before... you know?" I mumble that last part. "look at the screen shots. it clearly says the dates and times from last night" she points out and I look at the pictures confused. "when did they get married?" she frowns confused "yesturday morning" I mumble putting my coat and and checking I have my keys. "so why didn't I know about it?" she frowns annoyed. "i'll be back later" I mutter ignoring her question and make my way out of the house.


"have you seen this!?" I say showing my mother the paper the second she opens the door. "we heard. it's all over the TV and the radio too"

"have they lost their fucking minds!?" I frown confused "that's what some people are thinking" Janet says coming into the room. "some are really happy and think it's sweet but others.. umm... not so nice" she mumbles that last part. "I'm not talking about them telling people their married! I'm talking about the fact that they've just lost their baby and their acting like nothing ever happened"

"grief does strange things to people" mother says softly "doesn't seem like their grieving at all" I frown "of course they are. losing a child isn't exactly something you forget over night"

"they seemed to have managed too" 

"their just going through the motions" Joesph cuts in "we'll go over now and makes sure their ok"

"their absolutely fine according to their soical media posts" I shrug. "don't be getting at them when we go over there" Joesph says sternly. "but..."

"but nothing" he cuts me off "let them grieve in their own way"


We get to Micheal's house and they both seem pretty relaxed "did you both manage to get any sleep last night mother asks "some" Faith shrugs "what about food? have you eaten? i'll make you both something to eat" she says getting up. "mother there's no need. we're fine really" Michael says and she sits back down. "have um... have you made any arrangement yet?" Janet asks and they both look at her confused "for the baby" I say bluntly then get and instant feeling of guilt as they both look away from me and look like their about to burst into tears any second. "not yet" Faith mumbles looking at the ground. "we spoke to Randy this morning" Joesph cuts in. "he said LaToya confessed to pushing Faith down the stairs and..."

"good" Faith quickly cuts him off "But the police need you to..."

"she's not ready to talk to the police yet" Michael cuts in. "you both seemed fine last night when you were messing around on social media all night" I mumble and Joesph turns to me and frowns "you saw that huh?" Michael sighs "everybody did. it's all over the media" Janet cuts "what were people saying?" Faith asks nervously "alot of people think it's really sweet and are happy for you guys" she smiles at them through pursed lips and misses out the other stuff. there are some people that are happy for them, but there's also alot of people that think it's sick and said at lot of nasty things about the two of them, but I guess now may not be the best time to tell them that"

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