Phone call

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Michael's POV

It's been a few days and I haven't called Faith yet. I wanted to call her that same night but I don't want to be pushy and scare her away, by calling straight away. I have a free day tomorrow so I'm gonna invite her over so she can do her little interview thing on me. I want her to come here because it would be a lot easier for her to come to my house and I can get to know her a little better if we're alone. I dial her number and the phone rings for awhile "Hello?" she finally picks up kinda out of breath "Hey , it's me Michael"

"Oh hi Michael!" She says trying to catch her breath slightly "Are you ok you sound out of breath?"

"I'm fine" she giggles a little "my phone was on my bed so I had to run out of the shower to come get it"

I don't speak for a moment realising that she's in her room, alone, on her bed, naked, dripping wet... "are you still there?" She asks, interrupting my trail of extremely inappropriate thoughts and I clear my throat "yeah! I'm still here.. Umm...I was wondering if you still wanted do that interview?"


"Well I have a free day tomorrow if you wanna do it then?"

"Sure, I can make tomorrow. Where do you wanna meet?"

"You can come over to my place. Would that be ok with your parents?"

"I'm sure they'll fine"

"Ok, I'll text you my address and you can come over about 10am?"

"Ok! See you then"

Faith's POV

After I finish talking to Michael, I go downstairs and tell my mother the news "Michael just called me to do that interview thing...and guess where he wants to meet?" I smirk "where?" She asks "At his place!"

"seriously!? He invited you to his house!?" She's says surprised "Mhm, told him I'd meet him there at 10 tomorrow morning" she starts grinning pulls me close to her "this is perfect! Make sure you have a good snoop around his house and I'm gonna write up all the questions to ask"

"didn't you already ask him everything when you interviewed him?" I frown confused and She rolls her eyes at me "Obviously! But I want you to get all the personal stuff he keeps dodging"

"and what makes you think he'll tell me?" I fold my arms smirking arrogantly and She smiles proudly at me "Because if anyone can get him to open up it's his new best friend.. And that's you sweetie, let's face you could sell fire to the devil"


Michael's POV

I got off the phone with Faith and decided to do a little more research about her before she comes tomorrow. There's still not much personal stuff about her online just stuff about her being the daughter of julie Owens the reporter. And videos of her and her parents. there's a few things in an interview her mom did and she mentioned about Faith being and cheerleader and prom Queen. there's a few pictures from beauty pageants she won too. I have to admit Faith kinda looks like bitch in most of her pictures, but I keep looking for a while then I see an article Faith wrote about animals and a whole bunch of charity works she's done as I continue reading and looking at her pictures, I start feeling more fascinated by her and for a 16 year old she's done so much help others and I'm starting to feeling kinda guilty. I was planning to get her here alone for my own agenda. But Faith seems like a really happy, sweet girl an clearly her parents think the world of her and it seems like she has the most perfect life. I shake my head and remind myself why I'm doing this.


When I get in bed, I can't sleep, and keep thinking about Faith and all that stuff online and all the hard work she does. My thoughts quickly change when I picture the image of her in her cheerleading uniform pops into my head. I know I shouldn't have, but Quincy was right the other day when he said about me checking out her ass. I try to shake those thoughts away, but as I'm lay in bed I start thinking about our little phone call earlier.

She was talking to me while she was laying on her bed naked and dripping wet...well she never actually said she was naked ...or on the bed....or wet... "fuck it!" I sigh to myself. nobody's here I'm gonna imagine that's what she was doing.

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