Chapter 17

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It's been two days since my rescue from the execution. There had been no movement or any urgent reports from the spies stationed around the village and in the castle. There are now a total of ten silver streaks in my hair, but neither Mum nor Knox could explain it. Although everything has been good and well, I am worried. I have chewed all ten of my fingernails down to the skin, some of them even drawing blood in my concerned state. Pegasus was worried for me, and was continuously trying to reassure me, but I did not acknowledge even his words of sympathy.

I had not seen neither hide nor hair of Tomas or Sapphire since the escape, and I can't help but know in the pits of my stomach that King Zelrox got them. It was nighttime, and Pegasus had taken me out on a flight to clear my head, since sleeping was out of the question. We were mainly hanging around the West edge of Ranwick Forest.

I see the Hidden Lake. Pegasus suddenly interrupted my thoughts and worrying, and I followed his line of sight, seeing a familiar blue glow from the water.

Take me down. Pegasus descended quickly, and as he landed, his wings flaring out to slow the landing. As soon as his hooves hit the soft grass, I was off, my steps determined and rushed as I headed toward the opposite side of the lake, to the large willow tree where Tomas and I sat the first time he brought me here.

The lake had changed since I was last here. The willow tree had grown larger, the weight of its overhanging leaves causing it to bend. Now the tendrils of branches caressed the water's surface, and the tree trunk was shaped in a sort of r. I gently pushed aside the hanging leave-covered branches, entering the soft, safe cocoon that the tree created. Pegasus waited nearby and began to graze, respecting my need to be alone. Sitting down in the crook of the tree trunk, I leant back against the jagged bark and sighed.

"Where are you Tomas?" I whispered. A slight breeze picked up, and the leaves in front of me were swept to one side like a hand running through hair, revealing the Hidden Lake as it came to life. I saw the Mudbugs playfighting in the various mudholes near the bank, and under the water the Sphinx's swam. Tinker's casually skimmed the surface of the rippling water, leaving glittering trails of blue, purple, pinks and so many more. Everything seemed so calm, oblivious to the terror of the outside world.

Watching the scene before me, with Pegasus' presence washing over me like a soft blanket, I was lulled to the calling slumber I had avoided for the past two days, and submitted to the darkness that welcomed me with open arms.

I saw Tomas. He was standing a few metres away from me, in chains. He was pale and his olive skin shone with the sheen of sweat. Although he was wearing a blindfold I saw the pain building in his chocolate orbs, and cried out to him, trying to reach him, but my feet were stuck to the ground. I looked down to see vines curling tight around my ankles, preventing any sort of movement as they ascended my legs, covering every part of my body. Soon enough my arms were pinned uselessly to my sides, and as they wrapped around my chest like a gauze, I saw Nadu appear. His staff buzzed with a sickly green mist, black magic that wrapped around Tomas as the Shadow got closer.

I felt the vines begin to cover my neck, reaching up to my ears and around the back of my head. The Shadow began to recite unintelligible chants to Tomas, and I heard his screams of pain, my own of helplessness joining him. I felt the vines descend over my forehead and up from my chin and just before they covered my eyes I heard the roar of a great blue dragon as Nadu plunged his staff into Tomas' heart-

I woke with a piercing scream, sweat covering my body, making my clothes stick to my soaked body. My almost silver hair fell in loose strands around my face, my plait coming free of its own accord. The ground shook, the indication of something close to an earthquake, and the entire of Amphilias still quaked with the remnants of an earth-shattering roar. And I knew only one dragon who could make a sound like that.

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