Chapter 2

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I woke in a cold sweat, and saw stars twinkling in the night sky. Unable to go back to sleep, I got up quietly so as not to disturb Pegasus, and walked to the ledge, standing under the full moon as it showered me in white light.

Standing there in thought, I did not notice Pegasus standing beside me until he nudged me with his head.

What are you thinking? He asked.

Just wondering if Mum was there tonight.

Do you miss her?

Of course, just. It's like she's still there you know? Like she's still alive somewhere. I felt stupid for saying it, but he didn't judge me.

Why do you think that?

I saw her, the day I found you. She was there, right in front of me. She said to come find her, that...she was waiting. And I did see her. I remember that day as clear as light. She really was there. But that's impossible. She was dead. Sighing, I looked back out to the desert, when I saw a subtle dust cloud rising not far from us.

"Pegasus? Do you see that?" I asked. Pegasus nodded his head. I closed my eyes and reached out for his spirit. I had done this so many times now that it was like breathing. When I opened my eyes, my sight had greatly improved because I was looking through Pegasus' eyes. Focusing in on the culprit, I could distinctly make out a wolf. Something - or someone - was on its back. Then I realized that it was Kipper's wolf.

The smell of blood reached my nostrils. Finch's blood. Oh no.

Without wasting any time, I jumped onto Pegasus, not bothering about the saddle, and he cantered forward, his wings unfolding as we leapt off the ledge. My fingers curled into his silk mane as he flew down, making a beeline for Kipper.

She's ok. Finch is alright. She has to be alright. I wasn't talking to Pegasus. I was talking to myself, trying to convince myself Finch was alright. I knew she wouldn't die from blood loss. The blood was that of the animals she hunted. Did I mention I convinced Finch to go vegetarian? Sort of. Animals rather than humans. Doesn't matter. What did matter was the poison I smelt. The black arrow that stuck out of Finch's stomach reeked of it.

Frog poison.

The only frogs that held that venom lived in ArrowHaven Forest. But why would they be here? Only one thing hunted with black arrows. But I didn't want to admit it. I had to stop thinking about that. Finch mattered most now. Looking down, I could see Kipper tiring. His mouth was foaming and his eyes were red and pained. We flew ahead and I notified the guards, just as Kipper came into view. Without wasting any time, they pulled open the two great wooden doors and Kipper collapsed. I jumped off Pegasus and helped Finch up.

I dragged her inside, and up most of the stairs to the next floor before the doctors reached us. They took her from me and I followed.

"Find Knox!" I heard one of them shout. I instantly obeyed, heading up to the meeting room where I knew he and Rydel would be. Taking the steps two at a time, I burst into the room, crying like an insane person.

"Knox, it's Finch. Kipper carried her back. Poison, arrow, need you." I stuttered out. Knox was gone in an instant, while Rydel tried to make sense of my words. I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. Once I was certain he was following, I let go of him and ran the rest of the way to the medical room where Finch was, ignoring Tomas's confused face as we passed him. Reaching the room where Finch was, I tried to open the door, but the doctors had locked it, and I saw Knox inside assessing Finch's wound.

I tried not to gag as his expert fingers snapped the arrow in two and slowly removed the two pieces. She lay on the white bed, her face even more pale than ever, her blonde hair dirty and matted against her bloody face. Unable to take it, tears streamed down my face, and I began banging on the door, screaming for them to let me in.

I Am: SilverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz