Chapter 5

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A boy burst into the throne room where King Zelrox sat with Nadu by his side as always. Two guards chased after the boy. His newest accomplice, Hunter 9, waited a little further behind Nadu, watching in amusement as the larger guards failed over and over at catching the small child.

The boy easily dodged both of the guards and struggled to get to the throne. Nadu started forward, his throne at the ready to defend him, but King Zelrox stopped him, holding up his hand. The Shadow growled a warning at the boy, and King Zelrox shook his head at Nadu. The Shadow had failed to capture the Hunter girl, and was ever asking for repentance for his failure. The Gargyons were in fast pursuit of Athin and his dragon scum, yet they too had let the most important one go. 

"What is the reason for this rude intrusion boy?" King Zelrox asked, waving away the guards, who retreated but stayed near, their raised spears a silent threat.

"She is here, my Lord." The boy said breathlessly, and King Zelrox instantly knew who he meant.

"Where may I find her, boy?" He asked impatiently.

"First I want payment." The boy said, holding out his hand expectantly. "Fifteen hundred Queros, just as promised." King Zelrox sighed, and indicated with a wave of his hand for Nadu to get the ransom money.

Once the boy had his payment, he smiled and relayed the information the King so desperately craved.

His mouth curved in a malicious smile so evil the boy stepped back, fright covering his features as he rose from his throne in one swift, lithe movement. Hunter 9 was at his side in an instant, waiting with bated breath as King Zelrox relayed the order he already knew was coming. "Prepare the guards."

Dimitri, glad for the distraction from the talk of his parents, immediately nodded and jumped up, his grin once more covering his face. I followed him out of the small room, through a second room that looked to be something like a lounge. In the middle was a large square box, its shining front reflecting my curious gaze. Dimitri noticed me scrutinising it, and helped out.

"It's called a TV. King Zelrox uses it to broadcast announcements." He explained.

"I've never seen a TV." I said in awe at the contraption before me. "Hunters were never given much technology." Turning back from the TV, I gestured for Dimitri to lead on.

He bounced out of the thatched door, and led me to a small wooden stable behind a chicken house. A long lanky, three- legged, greyhound followed us, and Dimitri leant down to ruffle its ears.

"This is Fido. Found 'im on the streets a while back as naught but a pup. Dunno how he lost his leg though," He explained. I smiled, but was anxious to see Pegasus and make sure he was alright. Seeing my nervousness, Dimitri turned and opened one of the stall doors, and Pegasus' great white head leaned out of it.

Did he treat you well? We both asked simultaneously. I replied yes and Pegasus nodded. Dimitri watched in fascination as we interacted without so much as a mutter.

I do not trust this boy. Pegasus told me, glancing apprehensively at the young teen as he talked to Fido. Something doesn't feel right about him.

He is just a kid. I assured him. He is innocent, and won't do us any harm.

You of all people should be wary of strangers. Look what Tomas did to you. Pegasus stated. I nearly reeled, his statement like a blow to the face. I'm sorry, but it is true. We cannot trust him!

I cut off the mind link, irritated that Pegasus had brought him up. He knew how much his betrayal had affected me. Pegasus was just being paranoid. I let him out of the stall and he stretched, his magnificent white wings stretching out completely. I could tell he liked the freedom the stall retained from him.

I Am: Silverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن