Chapter 3

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Normally it would take about three days horseback to reach Ranwick Forest, but when you are riding a flying horse, well that's an entirely different story. It only took the one day to reach Ranwick, and the entire journey I ignored Tomas, instead working on some of the many powers I had inherited from becoming a Rider. Most of the time, I focused in on Pegasus' spirit, and tried to mould mine to his.

It was something that was very rare, and only one of the seven protectors of Amphilias had the ability. It had been the youngest of the seven, though no-one remembered his name, and after Tomas had told me the legend, he had seemed unwilling to relay it to me again. A Rider must be strong willed, and have both the mental and physical capacity to Connect. To Connect, a Rider and his Dragon (or in my case, Pegasus) must connect their spirits, mold them into one. If they succeed, both will burst into flames. They would be unstoppable.

But, if your bodies cannot endure the toll it will take, it can be fatal if tried too many times. Tomas and Sapphire are one of the many who cannot do it. He told me that if your body can't take it, you will feel a pain so unbearable you will want to die. It is like you are freezing to death, contrary to if you succeed, you will feel like you are on fire...which you are.

I groaned again. I could find Pegasus' spirit, but it was like there was a border that was holding us back from Connecting.

Try again tomorrow. It's time to land. Pegasus reassured me. I huffed, and saw Tomas begin the descent. But I wanted to have some fun first.

Why don't we have some fun first? I asked, and Pegasus looked up to where the clouds were aligned in a strange way, where the head winds were. I practically felt him smile as we began to ascend. In a matter of moments we had disappeared and I knew Tomas would be looking for us. Pegasus and I had been working on a certain trick, and we needed speed for it to work. As we broke through the thin layer of cloud, I felt the wind crash against us.

Pegasus turned and we began following the wind's direction. Pegasus galloped faster, propelling us along, when he dived. We broke through the layer again, and dropped towards the ground. Like we'd practiced, one wing flapped out, and we began to spin. The outstretched wing began to crackle with blue fire, and I felt the charge in my fingers. It was working!

I yelled in happiness, when something went wrong. Pegasus felt it too.

We began to wobble, and eventually fell on our side, spiraling round as Pegasus struggled to gain control. Luckily, he began to, but I saw the trees approaching fast and with no choice, swiped my hand and they opened, branches stretching out to break our fall. They quickly wove together with the direction of my hands, forming a net.

Pegasus quickly recovered, standing up and shaking his wings to ensure there was no damage. A couple of feathers were bent, but apart from that, he was fine. I stood up, and Pegasus took off to land properly, while a couple of branches dropped me down. I let go of the trees and they bent back to their normal shape. I walked back out to the edge of the trees where Tomas and Sapphire waited with Pegasus.

I didn't say anything, and remembered instead what Tomas had done before we left. So, I walked up to him, and since he was still taller than me, I looked up at him and smiled. He returned it, but still looked nervous though.

And I did what anyone in my position would have done. I slapped him.

Really hard.

The sound of it reverberated around the forest and out into the desert. Tomas's head snapped sideways, and he stayed like that for a second, before coming out of his trance and and feeling his cheek, which already had a nice big hand print on it.

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