Chapter 8-The Target

Start from the beginning

She finally stopped chasing and became chosen.  All her life Camelia believed she was making the right choices.  Ultimately, they were the wrong choices leading her toward the wrong path, and the wrong man

Perhaps Kivanç was her future and maybe he was the worst mistake of her life. 

"I take your silence as a no.  I am sorry if I disturbed you Camelia...." A disappointed Kivanc voiced.  A long sigh escapes his lips, misreading her hesitation. 

It was time to invest her energy in the present and not dwell on the past.

"No, Kivanç I would love to see you.  I-I just had plans with my cousin for dinner and I..."  She trailed off. 

Gloriana and Camelia were planning dinner later that very same evening after the movie ended. 

"I can understand your reluctance."  He remarks.  "I don't mind if this cousin of yours accompanies us...if this makes you comfortable." 

Yes it would, she thinks.  At least his sole attention wouldn't be on her alone, she was nervous as it is to be around him. 

"I would hate to impose on you by bringing her along."  She quickly replied instead.  It was uncomfortable to wedge Gloriana's presence in his plans.  But she needed her there for moral support. 

"Absolutely not.  The more the merrier."  His tone sounded cheerful and welcoming.  "I'm sure you would like to have her with you as a chaperone."  He teases.  Camelia could imagine a smile lighting up his attractive face. 

She blushes again.  Gloriana was only a few years older then her, she wanted to add but she bit her tongue. 

"Thank you Kivanç."  Camelia responds sincerely. 

He understood her nervousness.  Easing her discomfort and lifting her fears of being alone with him.  It was simply sweet and completely unexpected. 

"If you don't mind giving me your address, I can escort the both of you to the restaurant.  I hope you like Italian?"  He asks.

"I love it."  She replies quickly.  After giving him her address she ends the call and clasps her phone against her chest for a moment before going back to inform Gloriana of their changed plans. 

It would be a new experience.  To go out with someone who was interested in her for the first time.  Admittedly she craved his attention.   Kivanç was a genuine man with a good heart.   She was conscious of it from the beginning of their meeting.  The energy he emitted was uplifting and positive. 

Camelia believed in fate.  Recalling their brief conversation. It was the driving force that made their paths cross. 

For those who seek will always find a way. 

Kivanç found that way.  Twice now.  

After giving him the information they end the conversation. Camelia strides back toward the living room.

"Gloriana go home and get ready. We are going out."  Camelia states plopping down beside her cousin once again.

"I already know we're going out!"  Gloriana burst out in annoyance and a roll of her eyes. "We still have time."  She stuffed her mouth full of popcorn, redirecting her attention back to the movie.

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