Chapter 19

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Dear Niall,

What upset me the most was not being able to prank you anymore. Ha, just kidding! What upset me the most was not being there to grow up with you and watch each other get married or you having a little Nialler. Even though I fight with you all the time but you are still the one I loved so much.

We have the same blood running in our veins for god sake. I remembered you told me about being jealous of Sawyer and all. I'm glad you shared this part of you, with me.

Niall, you are the most awesome brother and the most talent guy ever. Not because you are my brother. You do everything with your whole heart and did it without any complain.

I am honoured to be your sister. You have no idea how proud I am whenever you are in the field, running around and getting slammed. Sometimes when you fall, you stood back up and kept running. I have never ever said this to you but since I'm dead and all, I will only say this once: You, Niall Pierce, you was my role model.

Without you, I won't be the Master of Pranks. Without you, I won't be studying prank book like how I studied for finals.

The time when we were at the balcony and you cried with me; it broke my heart. Thanks for being with me and caring for me. You are the best brother I could ever ask for. Don't be sad when I'm gone. Go to Sawyer like you always do when you are in doubt or you need help, Sawyer will definitely help you through your problems.

And remember, I will always be with you even though I'm gone. It's my pleasure to have you as my brother, Nialler.

I love you. To the moon and back.




I stayed in Sawyer's workshop with Eli and Haley for the whole day. Haley had asked Eli to prom, that girl works like a tornado. Anyway, I am not looking forward to prom. I won't have a dress to cover up. And, I don't think there is any dress that has my size. Throughout this period, I lost 9 pounds. Go figure. I'm as good as a skeleton.

We walked towards Starbucks and Sawyer went to order for me while I looked outside the window to see people walking down the streets, children having excursion and couple strolling down the streets, smiling at each other.

When people are near their end, they tend to see things in a different perspective. I am seeing a beautiful scene right now. Sawyer left my coffee on the table and he fidget nervously in his seat. He always play with his collar when he's nervous or thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked, finishing my coffee. Sawyer shrugged and smiled nervously, "Nothing,"

I finished my drink and saw small words at the end of the mug, placed neatly in a line: 'Be my prom date'

It was so sweet and romantic way to ask a person to prom.

My face cracked into a big wide smile and looked up to Sawyer, "How did you do that?"

Sawyer smirked, "I know the barista, so I asked him for a favour. So...?"

"Yes!" I replied, kissing his cheeks, "That's so sweet. But-"

"Oh no, there's a but,"

"I need to find a dress," I finished my sentence. Sawyer rolled his eyes, "Of course. That is why Haley is here today. She's bringing you to get a dress then you two will come back to the workshop so I can bring you out for a date."


A date!

I asked Haley to bring my dress back since Sawyer wants to go on a date with me! A date! I have never ever got a date before because of Nialler.

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