Chapter Twenty Four: Bad At Being Lonely

Start from the beginning

I never felt so harassed like this before.

The only thing I want is to run away. Away from her, away from this place and away from everybody. Even away from myself.

I looked down and bit my lips.

"I hate you." I murmured. "I hate every one of you." I added as I walked away from the table and sprinted out wherever it may be.

I just don't care.

I heard May after me but that only made me ran faster. Tears swelled up as I pushed through the crowd. It was like swimming against the tide of a stormy sea. It was a huge struggle.

I ran away. Ran away from my mother, ran away from LaRousse, ran away from Drew, ran away from all those crippling memories, ran away from May. Acting what my life had always been - always running away.

It was then when I faced a wall that I realized I ran to a dead end. I turned back and saw May again. She really did chased me out here.

What a really stupid girl.

She bent down and caught her breath.

"Listen to me please." She looked up to me. Her hopeful blue eyes shone. "At least let me explain."

"Come here and I will kill you." I warned. "This time for real. I will definitely kill you."

"You know why I wanted to know? You know why I forced Drew to tell me no matter how much he protested?" She walked closer to me. Her eyes and voice trembled.

"Because I was jealous of you!" She glared at me with teary eyes. "He was worried about you not taking up the exams, always going home late to check up on you, how he misses dinner for that, how much he treasured you and the relationship you have with your mother, and how much he is trying to fix whatever this thing you both shared. How much he cares for you. The length he would go through just for you."

I was stunned at her words that flowed right out of her mouth, strong emotions that crashed against my own. The anger inside me simmered down. I was lost for words.

"I didn't mean to offend you, I was just jealous Brianna. That's why I wanted to know." She sobbed. "Yes, I'm pathetic. I'm not like you. I'm not strong and I'm not independent. No. I'm not even responsible."

My throat went dry. What is she talking about? I'm not strong and independent.

"But you know what else I felt about you?" She asked again. A few more tears escaped her glimmering eyes and streamed past her cheek. "I felt pain."

"When Drew told me about you, I felt nothing but pain. You don't deserve my jealousy, you don't deserve my hate." May added, her tensed body slowly relaxed. "Drew didn't tell me at all to give you this. This is my own decision."

"But why?" My voice came out calmer than before.

"Because I care for you. I wanted to help. And I believe you really need this letter."

"Why would you care?"

"Because I just want to."

I'll tell you something, you won't need friends, I'll make sure I'll be all the kinds of friend you need!

Come on Brianna, stop crying already, I don't have to be looking out for you always. You said it yourself right?

I'll always be here for you so don't be afraid to call out my name anytime.

As long as you're still a brat I have no choice but to continue looking out for you, well it's not like I'm bothered by it.

I may not look like your typical guardian but hey I'm an expert at looking out troublesome girls like you!

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