Grand Canyon

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We finally got to the Grand Canyon. Who knew it'd take forever because Ron had to use the bathroom ever 4 minutes. Draco is a lot more loving towards me. He'd kiss me when everyone else was gone and kissed my neck when it was night. I want him to hold me close as possible but there are others and who knows if Rita is still out there. I sighed as I got out of the car. The Grand Canyon was surely a sight. I walked over to Draco. He wasn't even on the glass walk way. I took his hand and walked on the glass walk way with him. He screamed which made me laugh. "WHAT KIND OF SORCERY-" He yelled. It made the others laugh. "LET ME GO THIS INSTANT, POTTER!" He yelled. "You haven't called me Potter in a while, Malfoy." I said. He glared at me. "Why do people make glass walk ways.~" He whined. "You're so annoying." I teased. "Just look at the damn canyon." I said. He sighed and looked at the red, brown walls of the canyon. I smirked and got up behind him. "Look down." I whispered. He looked down and immediately regretted his decision. He slowly looked up and at me. "I hate you." He said. "You know you love me.~" I teased. He rolled his eyes and groaned. I liked the Grand Canyon but I liked Draco more. "Hey, Draco." I said. "Yeah?" He asked. "What if I broke the glass?" I asked with a smirk. "Potter, if you do that I swear to god I will hex you." He said. We stayed there for a good moment or two.


"Have you ever watched the Titanic?" I asked. Draco looked at me weirdly. "The what?" He asked. "Titanic." I replied. "No I have not... What is it?" He asked. "It's a movie and a ship... The ship sunk years ago but the movie was amazing." I said. "I want to do the car scene with you." I whispered. "The what?" He asked, teasingly. I lightly nudged him and smiled. I sighed. "I just don't want it to be in a car." I said. He nodded. He was looking at me so he had to be listening. I looked back at him and smiled. "Put your arms out like this." I said. I showed him. It was like the Titanic. "Why?" He asked. "Just do it!" I said. He sighed and did so. "You're flying." I whispered. He looked at me weirdly and laughed. "How much sleep did you get, you weirdo?" He asked. I shrugged as we got back to the car. As we got in, he kissed my cheek. I got flustered so easily. I hid my face in my hands. "Damn you." I managed to say. "You want more kisses?~" He teased. "I-I guess." I stuttered. He chuckled and moved my hands away from my face. I was worried that Rita might interrupt this moment; luckily, she didn't. He kissed me on almost every inch of my face and lightly kissed my lips. "More?" He asked. I nodded. I wanted to see where he went each time. As expected, he kissed my jawline, neck, and collarbone. Once he asked more again I shook my head. I didn't want him to end up giving me a blow job, not now anyway. He smiled and put an arm around me. Everyone got back into the car and we drove off. Next stop was California. This was going to be fun.

A/N: Now my friend is going to annoy me to make another chapter. Oh, well.

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