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After a while, I fell asleep. I had a dream of Malfoy. It was what happened a while a go but Ginny didn't come in and ruin it. He had kissed me and my whole body felt warm. He had pulled away shortly. He had the biggest smile on his face and fell backwards. He fell right through nothing. I tried to unbuckle myself but couldn't. "Draco!" I yelled. I sank right through the car into what seemed to be water. I heard giggles and followed them seeing Draco again. He swam up. I tried to but seaweed was holding me down. I tried to tell for him but couldn't. I was underwater so that made sense. I eventually ripped through the seaweed and swam up. I looked for Draco. He was at shore. What I was in wasn't a sea it was a river. I got out. He looked dry compared to me. He just smiled at me and took my hand. He pulled me too a waterfall. The waterfall casted a rainbow light and had red roses around it. I looked at Malfoy as he pulled me behind the waterfall. He smirked a bit and kissed me again. I kissed back, holding him tightly. There was a flash and I saw Rita. I looked at Draco who was being pulled away from me. I tried to get him back but I was being pulled away too. I opened my mouth to scream his name but was woken up. I sat up quickly and looked around. People looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Stop dreaming about Malfoy ya creeper." Fred joked. "I was not dreaming about Malfoy." I said. I looked at Draco. He was fast asleep. "Then why were you mumbling his name in your sleep?" George asked. I blushed a bit. "Okay, maybe I was, but it wasn't what you think." I said. "Sure, Harry... Anyway, mind waking Draco up. We are at a muggle restaurant. They serve breakfast now." Fred said. I nodded and shook him awake. He yawned and stretched a bit. We all went in. "What do you children want?" George asked. "I want eggs and bacon with pancakes and-" Ron said. "That's it Ron. No more." Fred joked. "But what about the sausage!" Ron whined. "If anyone gets sausage here it's Potter." George joked. I blushed. "I don't want sausage! I just want pancakes." I said. "I hope they spit in your pancakes." George joked. Draco snorted. We all ordered and ate. It was extremely delicious. I just hope that George didn't bribe our waitress to spit in my pancakes.

Hello Notamew~

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