Bloomington Baby

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Everyone was so excited to go to a beach even Draco. At least he was happier. "Hey, while we are at the beach guess what we are doing?" George asked. "WHAT?" Ron yelled. Hermione covered her ears. "We are going to stay at a beach house." Fred said. "There are only 3 rooms... So... George, Ron, and I will take a room, Ginny and Hermione will, and Draco and Harry will." Fred said with a sly smirk. George must've told Fred what had happened near Eat N Park. I smiled a bit. 'At least it's Draco.' I thought to myself with a sigh of relief. I looked out the window with a smile on my face. "Why does Draco and Harry share a room? Why can't it be Draco, Harry, and I?" Ron asked. "Cause we absolutely adore you!" Fred joked. Ron groaned and Draco laughed. "He could if he wanted to." Draco said. "Yes, but we need the love birds to have their alone time." George said with a smirk. "WHAT LOVE BIRDS?" Draco asked. I looked at Fred and George confusingly. They showed us The Daily Prophet. It had us on the front cover and the story was by none other than Rita Skeeter. Draco's face filled with terror and confusion. "It is not what you think!" He said. "Rita always makes stories up to get more reads on the newspaper!" He said. "Oh, please! We know that. We are just having a little fun." George said with a laugh. "The room ideas are staying the same though." He said. I nodded. I didn't have a problem with it anyway. Draco crossed his arms and pouted like a child. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. We got to Bloomington Beach, considering it wasn't too far away from the gas station. We all got out. "Okay, guys, before you all go out to the beach, we have to get our bags and put them in the beach house." George said and walked off. "You heard him! Get your bags out of the trunk!" Fred said and opened the trunk with the keys. I got all of mine out. "Now, which one of you guys can do laundry?" Fred asked. Draco, Hermione, and I raised our hands. I looked at Draco in confusion. Didn't he have house elves to do his laundry for him? I mean Hermione and I made sense. All my family did was boss me around like Cinderella and Hermione was extremely smart. Fred eyed us carefully. "Alright, Draco, do our laundry for us. We will all clean the beach house in some way. I just needed someone to do the laundry." Fred said. George came back. "Got us a house!" He said. He pointed to a small, white beach house. It was, obviously, wood painted white with some windows here and there. There was also a deck with one of those chair swings. It looked rather comfy. We walked up the steps to the house and opened the door. It looked already clean. "I guess we don't have to clean." Fred said with a grin. We walked in and we were immediately set in the kitchen. It looked like a normal kitchen. However, there was a small table there. The sink was to our right which was next to a stove. Above the sink was a window. It looked rather nice in here. The stairs were right ahead and next to it was a hallway. I walked through the hallway to see a living room. I walked back to the kitchen. I realized to the left of the door was a short hallway and two doors. I opened one which seemed to be the basement and the other which was a bathroom. I walked upstairs. George, Fred, and Ron picked their room. The room looked like it used to belong to parents and Hermione and Ginny's room looked like two teenagers lived there. I looked and my room. Of course, they have Draco and I a babyish room. It literally looked like a nursery except a bigger bed. There was only one bed. I shouldn't be complaining though. The parent room had one bed too. Hermione and Ginny were lucky to get the one with two beds. It was a very pastel room. I usually did like pastel colors. I opened the pastel pink wardrobe and started to put my shirts in. I opened one of the drawers at the bottom and put stuff like my underwear and pants. Draco could use the other drawer. I opened the pastel blue curtains and looked out the window. Everything in here was either pastel blue purple, or pink. However, the only thing pastel purple was the walls and stuffed animals on the bed. It looked rather nice except the pink. I smelled a lot of sea water as I breathed through my nose. I walked around and realized I had another dirty shirt in the wardrobe. I forgot it was dirty considering it was one of the first shirts I wore during this trip. I took it out immediately and walks to the basement. The basement looked nice and fresh. I walked over to Draco. "Sorry I forgot about this shirt." I said. He immediately looked up at me and nodded. He looked shocked and then stood up. He turned around and was putting things in the washer. "W-Would you be kind enough to put my nice clothes away and put my bathing suit on my bed?" He asked. "Did you see the room?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, why?" He asked. "There is only one bed." I said. His back was to me but I could tell he had a very shocked face. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean that there is only one queen bed." I said. He sighed. "Alright. Don't get too close to me." He said. I smiled a bit. All I could think about is what happened in Pennsylvania. We were so close to each other then. I don't see the problem with it now. I walked over to him. "You okay?" I asked. He was blushing and nodded. I smirked a bit. "You're blushing~" I teased. This only caused him to flush more. "I am not!" He said. I chuckled. I oddly felt flirty. I had to shake that attitude away or he'll be uncomfortable. "If you say so." I teased and walked out. I sighed and walked back upstairs. I did as Draco said except I put his bathing suit on the vanity instead of the bed. Something really bothered me about Draco. He was obviously doing something weird that he didn't want to show me. I want to know what it was.

(Draco likes some Harry pheromones. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

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