Getting Ready

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'Tomorrow is Spring break.' I thought, getting up two days later after the incident. Lucky me that it's Saturday and I can get ready all I want. I got two luggage bags and a backpack. I got a whole bunch of clothing and stuck it in there. I looked at Ron who was still sleeping. I did wake up rather early. I even looked at the time. The time said 4:19 in the morning. I blinked. "God dammit." I mumbled and hid the bags under my bed to go back to sleep. When I woke up it was about 1 in the afternoon. I looked at Ron who was already packed and frowned. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked. "You looked peaceful. Never interrupt someone who looks peaceful." He said. I rubbed my eyes, testing to see if I was actually awake and unfortunately I was. I sighed. "Okay. Hey, Ron, do you know where we are going to on our road trip?" I asked. "Places in America!" He said. I raised a brow. "How do we get to America?" I asked. "Our car can fly remember." Ron said. "Didn't you have to get a new car though?" I asked. He nodded. "It has the same features except it looks different. It's bigger!" He said I nodded. "Do you really think the other person is Malfoy by the way?" He asked. I sighed. "Of course! It fits perfectly! He's not a Gryffindor, he's not a girl, and why else would your brothers be all secretive about it?" I asked. "Unless it's Cho Chang and they're messing with us. However, I really don't want it to be Cho Chang." I said. "You'd rather have Malfoy than Cho Chang?" He asked. "I-I mean... Yeah." I said. Ron raised a brow and smirked. "It would be less awkward!" I said. "Don't get any ideas." I said. He chuckled. "I'm not." I rolled my eyes and got packed quickly. I packed essentials like electronics, the invisibility cloak, clothes, and snacks. When I was done, the room looked surprisingly neat. It was 5 when I was done. I hadn't eaten at all today so I went to get dinner. I had eaten quickly, avoiding contact unless it was with Ron and Hermione. That didn't last long. Draco came over and poked me. I looked at him but instead of my usual glare I had a smile which shocked him. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked. He smirked. "Ready for the road trip?" He asked. 'Knew it.' I thought but nodded. "Good because we are sitting next to each other in the car." He said. I frowned. "No we aren't." I said. "Yeah we are. The Weasley twins are making us so..." He said. "I'm going to kill them." I said. "Sure you are." He said. "I guess I'll see your dumb face all spring break." He said, rolling his eyes. "Well if you didn't want to see my dumb face why did you say yes?" I asked. He opened his mouth but shut it. He got all flustered. "Shut it, Potter." He said and stomped off. I smiled a bit and looked at my friends. Hermione sighed and Ron snorted. "Aw, you made him blush." He teased. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I, then, ate the rest of my dinner.

Road Trip (Drarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora