Important message. my computer broke.

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Please don't kill me. I haven't been able to update because I dropped my computer and the screen went all white and stuff and I can't get it to start back up. It's been about three weeks but it feels like longer. So until I can get the computer fixed I won't be able to make any updates.

 And that sucks because my story finally started to be liked. 20 votes!!!! Over 500 reads!!!! AHHHHHH!!! *runs around room* That is the freakinest best thing ever! I was hoping someone would read my story but I never thought that many people would.

  I have a bit more chapters in my head so once I can I will slap them in Microsoft word and publish them on here so just bare with me :)))

P.s this is my first access to a computer and Wattpad in a long while so I'm kind of deprived. Feel free to message me and as soon as I find a computer again I'll talk back with you :)) Thank you so so much!

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