Making Friends and Meeting a Familiar Face

Start from the beginning

Splendid was glad to find someone else who had the same two classes with him, and his day was going pretty well thanks to his first friend. Once they reached their classroom, Chris had them stop Splendid raised an eyebrow at the sudden halt. "Alright before we go in there whatever you do, do not laugh. Got it?" Chris warned.

"Umm I'll try," Splendid said, confused. "But what's gonna be funny in there?"

Chris stifled a laugh, picturing the person they was about to see. "Trust me once you see him, you'll know but since your new an' all, he'll cut ya some slack and give ya a warning probably soooo yeah. Just get on his good side and you'll be fine, and remember don't laugh especially when I do." The half-rabbit took a deep breath so he didn't waste his laughing gas while Splendid just shook his head again in amusement. "This dude here is really something," he thought.

They walked in front of the door and prepared to walk in. When they did, time felt like it froze. Splendid blinked while Chris slowly turned blue from holding in his laughter as they looked at the man in front of them. He had dark circles around his slanted eyes and no hair. He wore a black tank stop and white shorts...with socks and sandals...he resembled that of a panda.

The three stared at each other in semi-silence, Chris was still holding in his laughter but was failing miserably. It ended a few seconds later when the blonde teen burst into laughter. "Bwahaha! O-oh my...g-g-goooooo-" he fell to the floor clutching his stomach. The teacher? Mr. Bald (How original author) sighed in annoyance. "Seriously Chris," he said, his voice high pitched. "How many times are we going to go through this?"

After a couple of more seconds of laughing, Chris cleared his throat and stood on his feet. "Gee I don't know, how 'bout until YOU start dressing normal. I mean seriously, what you're wearing today" He stifled another laugh. Splendid let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, trying REALLY hard not laugh right now. Was this for real? Was this guy seriously a teacher? The fudge? Mr. Bald ignored Chris and turned his attention to Splendid, and...wait did-did he just blush?

Oh God...

"Looks like he has the hots for yaaaa~," Chris singed, smirking.

The half-panda glared at the annoying blonde. "Either take your seat or get out," he said, annoyed. The blonde went to his seat, still laughing. The remaining students were apparently watching in great interest because none of them had said a word since they walked in. "S-so you're the new student I presume, Splendid Sumner?" Mr. Bald asked the bluenette, blushing again.

Splendid tried not to cringe as he nodded, more students filled the room and laughed at his attire like Chris did. Mr. Bald blushed in anger. "Be quiet and sit your asses down." Shortly after he cleared his throat and glared at his class. "Alright you annoying butt munchers, this here is Splendid Sumner and he will be joining us from now on. So don't anyone of you evil minions, mainly you Chris, corrupt this beau-I mean nice person. Alright take a seat anywhere you like and we'll get started on today's lesson. Oh, and all you have to do today is take notes." Splendid nodded again, he walked down the row Chris was sat in. The blonde winked at him as he passed, he sat two seats down from Chris.

Throughout class, ten students were kicked out of the classroom, the first being no doubt, Chris. The lesson was going smoothly until Mr. Bald made the mistake of asking the silly blonde a question. "Chris I want you to answer this problem I'm about to give you. If you can that is," he challenged, his arms crossed.

"Bring it baldy," Chris said, smirking with his arms crossed. Some students began to instigate, Mr. Bald to popped a vein.

"You all shut it," Mr. Bald said to his class with a scowl. "Alright you cocky little shit, I was gonna give you an easy one, but screw it now."

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