“Frank, calm down,” I begged, trying to yank my arm out of his grip.

                “Come on Nash,” he said.

                “I’m coming,” I said, following after him, partially being dragged.

                “Nash!” Ms. Michaels said, looking panicked.

                “I’m fine. I want to go with him. He’s not hurting me. I swear,” I said.

                “Quit talking to her. She shit talks me, Nash,” Frank said and pulled me out of the classroom.

                “Frank, she doesn’t shit talk you!” I cried once we were out in the hallway.

                “Yes she does. And so do Callahan and Damien.” He turned and punched the lockers, finally releasing my arm. 

                “What’s wrong?” I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder and turning him to face me.

                “Do you love me Nash? Do you really love me?” he asked.

                “Of course I do,” I said, slipping my arms around his waist and kissing him. “Do you love me back?”

                My heart dropped a little as he eyed me. He didn’t love me back. My face fell, and I struggled to pull my expression back together.

                “Of course I love you,” Frank said.

                My head snapped up. “What?”

                “I love you. Would I have made love to you like I did last night if I didn’t love you?” He pulled me close and kissed me. “I love you Nash.”

                “But you shouldn’t have been so rude to Ms. Michaels,” I said, wondering how to handle the overwhelming joy erupting through me from his words.

                “Like it matters? That bitch is getting married next month and she’ll probably move away. She’s marrying the dude that owns the grocery store near my apartment. I know she talks shit about me. She doesn’t like me,” he said, getting angry again.

                “Hey, calm down. It doesn’t matter what she thinks. I love you Frank,” I said, cupping his face in my hands and kissing his soft lips.

                He pulled away and fixed his glasses, smiling at me and running a hand through my hair. I smiled back at him. Everything felt alright for once. Francis finally returned my love.

                “I love you so much Nash,” he whispered, kissing me again. “Let’s leave school. We’ll keep you safe from Amanda and Chad. Plus, I think we need more alone time.”

                I grinned at him, taking his hand in mine. “Let’s go.”

                We left the school together, head out to my-

                -car. We got in, and I drove us to Frank’s apartment, where we engaged in some very intense activities that left me sore all over again.

                I can’t believe I didn’t lose my virginity sooner. This shit rocks, journal.

                But I’m still nervous about school. I can’t hide in Ms. Michaels’s room forever. Also, what if she calls my parents to tell them about what Frank did today? Would they even care? Would they force me to stop seeing him?

                Do they love me enough to try to protect me anymore?

                Still, Frank doesn’t mean to hurt me. He left new bruises on my wrist, but he would never intentionally hurt me. He just loses his temper and forgets his strength sometimes. He really can’t help it.

                But he loves me. Journal, Francis William Phillips is finally in love with me.

                I love him with my whole heart. He’s all I have left in the world anymore. I’m so deeply in love with this boy. He’s wonderful, and he really cares about me. I trust him with everything I have. I know that he’s the only person in my life who will never let me down.

                Since I’m finally in a good mood, I’m going to head to bed. This is the first time I’ve really felt alright ever since my parents found out about my sexuality.

                Things might actually be looking up a little for me, journal.

                I turned the page of the journal and frowned, realizing that I was on the very last entry. My eyes widened a little.

                The last entry! This could be the music room incident!

                “Wait a minute,” I whispered and flipped back a few pages. I slid my finger down the page until I found the part I was looking for.

                The part where Francis was saying something about Ms. Michaels marrying the man who owned a grocery store near his apartment. If he was talking about who I thought he was…

                “Mrs. Nickels!” I cried. 

                There was a grocery store near the town’s nicest apartment complexes called Nickels Groceries. I remembered hearing the a teacher here had married the man who owned the place.

                Mrs. Nickels was my English teacher. She had been teaching for several years. I could go talk to her when I was done reading the journal! She could help me with the questions I had about Nash and Francis! 

                Excited and scared, I flipped the page and began reading the last journal entry.


A.N.- I know it's really short, and I'm sorry! But the next chapter will be the music room incident, wooooo!  You guys will finally get to know what happened ;D 

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