The Journal {13}

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                I felt like a zombie today. Things are going from bad to worse. I don’t even know how to write a preamble to today.

                Thank god for Francis. That’s all I can really say.

                This morning was tense. The air around my parents and me was so tense that you could’ve cut it with a knife.

                I slung my bag over my-

                -shoulder, glancing back at my parents. Mom was drinking coffee, and dad was fixing himself a bowl of cereal. A typical morning scene.

                Only they were pretending that I wasn’t standing right there.

                I was still numb to emotions, so instead of saying anything, I just hung my head and walked away. I left the house and climbed into my car, playing Hurts out of my iPod as I drove.

                I parked in the parking lot and shut the car off. As soon as I did, rain began to thunder down around the area.

                I stared out of my window in disbelief. Was it really pouring rain right now? I still had to walk all the way up the damn hill to the school!

                “Whatever,” I mumbled, my anger quickly fading away.

                Since I didn’t have a jacket with me, I simply got out of the car, instantly getting drenched. I popped in my headphones and I started trudging my way up the hill, nearly slipping a few times in the process.

                After a few minutes, I managed to make it into the school. I was soaked right through to my skin, and was shivering from the cold.

                People stared at me and whispered as I walked through the hallway slowly. I just wanted to get to my locker, grab my books, go to class, and lose myself in work. Anything to distract me from the memories of last night.


                Francis ran over to me and gripped my shoulder. “God, you’re soaking wet you moron. Didn’t you bring a jacket? They were calling for showers all day!”

                I shook my head slowly. “No,” I mumbled, dropping my gaze. “I didn’t bring a jacket. I didn’t watch the weather.”

                He sighed and gripped my hand, pulling me through the hallway and into the boys’ locker room. He sat me on the bench as he put in his combination and pulled out clothes.

                “Here, I always keep an extra change of clothes in my gym locker just in case,” he said, pulling me to my feet. “Wait right here while I get you a towel.”

                He disappeared into the shower section of the locker room. He came back after a minute with a towel in his hands.

                “Take your clothes off, down to your boxers,” he commanded.

                I did as he said. Once I was out of my wet clothes, he dried me off with the towel and thrust his clothes into my hands.

                “Get dressed,” he said.

                I pulled the clothes on. Francis was taller than me, so the clothes were a little big on me. But they smelled like him, and I took comfort in that.

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