The Journal {14}

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                When I turned the page, another picture floated out. I picked it up and had to fight back a gasp as I looked at it.

                It was a simple photo. Just Nash standing between a man and a woman, all of them looking happy. The woman had her hand on Nash’s shoulder. Nash had a happy look in his eyes.

                But it was what was written on the back that shocked me.

                Our family before I broke it.

                The word “broke” was smudged slightly, as if a drop of water had a fallen on it. Water or a tear.

                I tried to see if I recognized his parents, but couldn’t remember having ever seen them before. I gently set the picture down with the other two and picked the journal back up.

                I’ve become so reliant on my friends and Francis. My parents refuse to look at me, and barely speak to me anymore. When they do talk to me, it’s cruel.

                They told me that they’ve “given up on me”. That I can go see that “faggot ass boyfriend of mine” if I want to, and they won’t try to stop me. That I can keep “traveling down the wrong path and straight in Hell if I want to”.

                Parents of the year, huh?

                Thank god for Damien, Callahan, and especially Francis. They’ve been here for me every step of the way.

                Francis was right, though. I’m not numb anymore. I’m in complete agony.

                It didn’t hit me until lunch. We were all sitting together and-

                -I was surprised that Francis was actually sitting with us. He had his arm around my waist, leaning back in his chair casually.

                Callahan and Damien were talking to each other excitedly. Francis and I were just listening to them since we didn’t have anything to talk about right now.

                “We were just making cookies in my kitchen!” Damien said.

                “Your kitchen was a mess when I got there,” Callahan said.

                It was kind of weird to think about those two being separated. For as long as I had known Cal and Damien, they had only ever been apart when one of them used the bathroom at someone’s house. That was it. Other than that, they were constantly with each other.

                “I know! Because I dropped a little flour on the floor so my dad grabbed a handful out of the bag and threw it at my face,” Damien said.

                “All the flour at that point must have driven your mom crazy. She’s a clean freak,” Callahan said, laughing.

                “Oh, she started freaking out hardcore. She threw some chocolate chips at us, which really didn’t help the situation since we just threw more flour at her in retaliation,” Damien said. He smiled fondly at the memory of his apparent activities last night. “It was great. We all started laughing and just had a full out food fight. I love it when my parents and I have times like that, where we just laugh and bond together. Mom’s usually so busy with her work. So it was really awesome to spend time like that with them last night!”

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