The Journal {12}

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                They know.

                That’s right; mom and dad found out about me and Francis. I’m forbidden to see Francis now. They even called his dad and freaked out on him. Like it was Mr. Phillips’s fault or something.

                I should really write everything down before I start to block it all out. Because believe me; all I want to do is block it all out. They won’t look at me. They won’t meet my eyes. I’m surprised they haven’t disowned me yet.

                It all started afterschool. I was standing in the hallway-

                -looking around for any sign of the twins or Francis. We were all supposed to hang out at my house today.

                “Hey Nash,” the twins said, coming up to me.

                “Have you guys seen Francis?” I asked.

                They both raised their eyebrows at me. “Nash, no one ever knows where that kid is.”

                “He better not be waiting down at my car again,” I grumbled.

                “He’s not.”

                Arms wrapped around my waist, and then Francis was kissing my cheek. I sighed and spun in his arms, kissing his lips.

                “Sorry to keep you waiting. I was finishing up some stuff,” he said, releasing me and holding my hand.

                “You always are,” Damien said, rolling his eyes.

                “You really need to learn how to text people when you’re going to be late,” Callahan said, waving his cell phone in Francis’s face.

                “I don’t see a need to if I’m just going to come meet up with you anyways,” Francis said, pushing the phone out of his face.

                “Quit arguing and let’s go already,” I said, tugging Francis down the hallway. The twins followed after us.

                We got in my car and Francis flicked through my iPod as we drove. He settled with Good Charlotte and leaned back in the seat.

                “So what are we doing when we get to your house?” he asked.

                I shrugged. “Whatever you guys want to do. We can swim, play basketball, watch TV, play video games…anything, really.”

                “VIDEO GAMES!” the twins cheered.

                “Is that good with you?” I asked Francis, worried that he would have another mood swing if we did something he didn’t want to do.

                “Yea, that’s fine with me,” he said with a smile.

                I pulled into my driveway and the four of us got out of the car. I led them into my house and up to my living room, setting up the Wii so that we could play Super Smash Bros Brawl.

                “Hi Nash,” my mom said, peeking her head out from the kitchen.

                “Hi mom. Is it alright if my friends stay for dinner again?” I asked, glancing at her.

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