Chapter 4

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~~~ Next Morning, Jong Kook's POV

"Hyung! Go see the doctor!" That brat kept pestering me. After yesterday's fight with us winning, the cloaked people disappeared immediately after all had went down, leaving me and Dong Hoon in the fields. I suffered a few bruises and cuts and a nasty hit to my ankle, causing me to walk weirdly.

"Nah, it's fine!" I insisted, limping to school with my dongsaeng by my side.

"It's not! Look at how you're limping!" I groaned. This short pesky dongsaeng is a little too over reacting.

"Hyung! Go to the hospital!"

"No! I'm not going!"




"I said no!"

"Aren't you guys a little loud so early in the morning?" Another voice interrupted us.

"Yoo Jae Suk?"

"Yup it's me."


"Hi, HaHa."

"You guys live around here too?" My little bro asked.

"Yeah. I'm guessing a few blocks away from yours." Jae Suk answered. I saw him eyeing my leg, a sense of guilt flashed over his eyes quickly. Huh. I blinked. Did I see wrongly? By the time I blinked, HaHa already grab the boy named Gary and walked the way down to school. I can see the guilt in his eyes too, when he looked at HaHa. I shook and knocked my head. What am I seeing? Why would they feel guilty? Nah. Maybe it's just my injuries playing with my mind.

"Ya! Why are you spacing out?" His voice brought me back to earth.

"Hmm?" I blinked again.

"Haa.... Nevermind... So.... How did you get your injury?" He asked, pointing at my bandaged ankle.

"Umm..." I contemplated on whether on telling him the truth or not.

"Well... I fell down the stairs yesterday." I decided on lying.

"Oh.... You should be more careful. Don't be such a klutz like my brother."

"Hahahahahaha! Your brother? You mean Gary?" I laughed heartily.

"Yep! He can be quite clumsy and peaceful at times. Hahahaha! I bet your brother ain't like that!"

"You can say that! He's such a loud, playful and naughty brother. I don't even know how to tame him sometimes." I sighed.

"Hahahahaha! I can relate to that! I don't even know what Gary thinks sometimes. He an extraordinary kid that loves rapping."

"Cool! Sounds like an introverted kid."

"Nope and yes! He is extroverted and funny when he is comfortable with people he knows."

"That's kinda opposite from Dong Hoon! HaHa is extroverted on the outside and when you really get to know him, you'll see his introverted self." I sighed again. After a conversation of brothers and me limping, we finally reached school.

"I don't think we have the first period together so take care!" Jae Suk waved at me before going off to another classroom at the opposite end of the building after following me to my classroom due to my injured ankle. I waved. Well, that's the longest conversation I ever had since I entered this school. Dong Hoon would be proud of me.

~~~ HaHa's POV

"Ah! Hyung!" I turned my head after walking quite a long way ahead with Gary. I saw hyung talking excitedly with the new junior I met, Yoo Jae Suk not very far away from us.

"Relax. Jae Suk hyung will take care of him." Gary said.

"Really?" I was still a little worried.

"Yeah. He's good at taking care of people."

"That's good to hear. Hyung needs a friend." I smiled, facing back front.

"Gary, you know what, I had a shock of my life yesterday night!" I started excitedly. Gary visibly stiffened, but it went unnoticed by me.

"I went to the fields with hyung yesterday and we saw some masked cloaked figure fighting with some people!" I excitedly explained, not noticing the silent Gary.

"Jong Kook hyung then went to help them to fight those people off! My hyung is very strong! He single-handedly beat lots of people! Woo hoo!" I threw a few punches in front acting like I'm boxing.

"But then I saw this man wearing a monkey mask getting cornered. I was scared, but my brave self decided to help him! Haha!" I laughed, punching my chest. Gary kept silent.

"I saved him but ended up getting in trouble... Hehe! But Jong Kook hyung saved me, like always!" I smiled, thinking back to when hyung stood protectively in front.

"Gary? Gary?! Woah!" I pulled the spacing out boy back as he almost hit his head directly to a wall.

"Huh?" Gary turned his head as he was pulled by the force.

"Have you been listening?" I asked, frowning at his in inattentiveness. Just at that moment, a girl wearing a simple yellow tee and tight fit jeans appeared in our sight. Although the simplicity, she was gorgeous without much makeup on. Her brown curls flow down and touched her shoulders.


I turned my head and saw Gary turning away from me and the girl.

"Gary? Something wrong?" I shook his shoulder with one hand.


"Oppa!" The girl shouted.

"Oppa?" I tilted my head.

"H-hi.. Ji Hyo." Gary turned around slowly and gave a shy smile.

"You're Song Ji Hyo? The school belle?" I asked.

"Hahahaha! Yup! I'm Song Ji Hyo. But don't call me school belle. I'm more like the school bully. I like being bad." She laughed like a little girl.

"Bad Ji Hyo? Sounds pretty nice! Hahahaha!" I teased.


"Hahahaha! Are you in the same year as us?"

"Yeah. I'm a sophomore too."

"Then why are you calling Gary oppa?" I questioned, feeling confused.

"Cuz I just feel like it."

"Oh really?" I looked at Gary, smirking.

"Hahahahahaha!" I laughed at Gary's flustered expression.

"Alright alright! I'll stop laughing! C'mon we're gonna be late for school!" I stopped my laughter when I saw Ji Hyo's glare and I walked off, chuckling.

~~~ Gary's POV

Damn that Dong Hoon! So embarrassing!

After HaHa walked off, the two of us walked side by side just a little behind HaHa.

"Oppa, it's that boy?" Ji Hyo whispered with that unusual low cat like voice of hers.

"Yeah. And his brother too."  My voice changed to a more mature tone.

"His brother? The one that fought with Grasshopper oppa?"

I nodded, "His name is Kim Jong Kook. A guy from Grasshopper hyung's class. A new transfer student according to Giraffe and Husky."

"What's with the grasshoppers and animals?" A voice appeared from behind us.

"Dong Hoon?!" I turned around abruptly. Since when did he went around us? He's such a sneaky person!

"Ya! Oppa! What are you doing sneaking behind us?!" I heard Ji Hyo shout. I guess she's surprised as well.

"Well the two of you look awkward so I thought I should break the awkwardness!" He sang. I sighed. Ji Hyo had started to break out into her bad personality and started flailing punches at HaHa.

"What am I going to do with these two...? A teenager kid and girl bully." I mumbled as I walked through the school gates.

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