L: what is it?

J: it's tomorrow and we're going to have to be in LA by then

L: are you serious?! I can't just drop everything and fly across the country.

J: it's either that, or someone else gets the store and we don't get it.

L: ok then, we'll leave tonight. Just meet me at the penthouse and we'll leave from there.

J: ok, I'll start packing, we're going to have to stay there for three days.

L: alright, I'm going to need you to tell Danielle about this. I won't have time because I have to take of other things.

J: alright

L: thanks, I'm going to call the pilot to get the jet ready for tonight.

J: ok then, bye

L: bye

~~End of phone convo~~

Ross: where are you leaving to?

Laura: we're going back to LA for a few days. It's for business.

Ross: we?

Laura: Ryder, you, and I (he nods)

Ross: when are we leaving?

Laura: tonight, it's last minute

Ross: what are we going back to LA for?

Laura: for the store that we're going to buy. Other companies want it and Johanna somehow got us to see the store before anyone else.

Ross: that's cool

Laura: yeah, so we have to pack because we're leaving tonight

Ross: alright, don't worry. (He kisses my forehead and holds my hand)

The car stops and we were in front of the house Ryder was at. We get out with Ross holding my hand and I knock on the door. Toby's mom, Leslie, opens the door and has a smile on her face when she sees me.

Leslie: Laura, you're here! It's been a while! (She hugs me and I hug her back)

Laura: I know! (We pull away and she looks at Ross)

Leslie: who's this?

Laura: oh this is Ross he- (he cuts me off)

Ross: I'm her husband (he holds his hand for Leslie to shake)

Leslie: nice to meet you (she shakes his hand)

Laura: tell Toby I said happy birthday.

Leslie: I will

Laura: is Ryder up yet?

Leslie: yeah he's just getting his things I'll go get him, why don't you come in? (We nod and enter the house)

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