Again Khushi didn't reply, and so he carried on, "I want us to go there tomorrow. You know why? Because I want another chance Khushi."

"I want another chance to prove to you that Sheetal doesn't matter. Only you do. And as much as I want to do this between just us, you have to admit that no matter how many times I repeat to you in words, how much you mean to me, you won't trust me 100% until I actually show it to you in actions."

Though Khushi didn't let any emotion show on her face, she admitted to herself that what he was saying did make sense.

"And for that, I need Sheetal around. So that I can prove to you that even with Sheetal around, you don't ever have to feel insecure or jealous because my eyes are only for you. Khushi, Sheetal doesn't matter to me. She never has. In fact, even these brotherly feelings I had for her, only came about because of you. I loved her as a sister after seeing the way she cared for you. I felt indebted to her because in one of my darkest moments, she urged me to find my light, which is you. Don't you see Khushi? Whatever I feel for Sheetal, is merely a shadow of my love for you. It came about as a result of my feelings for you. And if that affection is hurting you, my love, so much, then I don't need it in my life."

"And I need you to give me a chance to show you that Khushi. And for that we need to go to Sheetal's house tomorrow," he said, searching her eyes.

"But I promise you, if you still don't want to go, then we won't. It's totally your decision Khushi."

As much as Khushi didn't want to go, Arnav's words made sense. Even she wanted this hesitance between them to be demolished. She didn't want to have to be scared of being hurt by Arnav every time. She wanted their relationship to be free, like it was before. With full on trust and no doubts. And she knew this was only possible if, like Arnav said, he got a chance to prove that to her in actions, while Sheetal was around too.

Khushi sighed, her decision made, though with a lot of reluctance.

Although Khushi didn't express her decision to him in words, Arnav understood her silence just as well.

Knowing that she was even more distressed than she was letting on, he tried to soothe her worried heart.

He cupped her face with one hand, before saying, "Khushi I know you hate this, and you're probably dreading tomorrow, and it's all my fault." He paused, hating himself for having created this whole situation in the first place. "But Khushi, I can assure you this much – I'll make sure that after tomorrow, Sheetal will be out of our lives once and for all. This is ASR's promise to his girl," he said, with conviction.

Khushi looked up at him with surprise.

Smiling, he said, "Khushi, don't look so surprised. I mean it when I say you are my life now. Nothing and no one else matters. Only you do. If the presence of Sheetal is bothering you so much, then we will get rid of her presence in our lives forever." He stroked her cheeks tenderly as he gazed at her, love shining in his eyes.

"What changed?" Khushi breathed, looking at him in awe. "Until yesterday afternoon you were arguing with me over Sheetal, trying to make me see how harmless she is. And now... You're ready to take her out of our lives completely...?" she asked, genuinely confused. She didn't doubt Arnav when he said that she was his life, and that he loved her. But she was just confused by this sudden change of thought in Arnav overnight...

Arnav looked almost guilty when he answered, "Ummm... Actually... When I saw you with Akash today..." Seeing Khushi lift her eyebrows, he rushed to continue, "I wasn't jealous – in fact it felt natural. But... in that moment, for some reason I asked myself if I'd react the same way if he felt for you in a different way... And just the mere thought... angered me so much, and I knew that if any man dared to hug you with other intentions then I wouldn't hesitate to break that man's arms. Bone. By. Bone." He gritted his teeth, anger flashing in his eyes just thinking of such a scenario.

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