8. Clueless

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I'm sorry in advance...


Things got worse for me as the days went on. I got beaten up everyday, sometimes after school and even before school. On top of the old bruises came the new ones. My body could only handle so much. I passed out one time and Taehyung found me by luck because he kept looking for me and contacting my phone. When he couldn't reach me, he went on to search for me. I lied and told him it was because I was having trouble eating and since I had a lot to do at school and at home, my body was giving up on me from the lack of energy. He was so worried, almost crying when I told him that. He told me that he was scared for a second, thinking it was because I was getting bullied to the point that my body couldn't take it anymore. And the funny thing is, he was right all along. I was never going to say anything though. I promised to keep my mouth shut for his sake, and that's what I'll do. Taehyung and Yoongi were the only friends I had. Even if Yoongi was busy most of the time and wasn't aware of what was going on, I was still glad to have them both.

Taehyung was always bad mouthing Jungkook when he got the chance but even he wasn't around. The whole week, Jungkook was nowhere to be found. Everyone knew that he didn't go to class. But I was the only person wondering where in the world he was; not that I cared anyway. Everyone else was indifferent of his long absence. It's not that I was worried but sometimes I wondered if by any chance he was sending the pack of wolves after me when he wasn't around. And that's leaving the hyenas out of it, 'cause they also made my life miserable.

For the most part, I was having trouble paying attention in class. All the inflicted injuries I received and the agonizing pain from the beating's everyday, kept me preoccupied. I'd tried to hold in my cries whenever I felt a shooting pain in random parts of my body right in the middle of a lecture. It was even more annoying how I had to smile at people and pretend that everything was going just fine.

I wasn't my normal self. Students pushed me out of the way for walking too slow in the hallways. I got yelled at by many of my teachers and even Mr. Jung wondered what was up with me. A week was long enough for my ankle to recover since I wasn't participating in the dance routines, and yet I was always in pain when I tried to dance. All this was affecting my grades, and deep down I was thankful that Jungkook wasn't in or else it would've been a living hell for me.

No one knew what I was going through and my dad was no help. Not a tiny bit. I asked him once if I could stay home only for a day and he slapped me across my face. It was useless to even try to explain to him my situation.

Everyday after this whole thing started, I'd cried myself to sleep. At times I considered taking my own life.

I can't do this anymore. What is there for me to do in this cruel world?


The next week, early in the morning, I was faced with the same thing. Before reaching the school building, they took me behind an alley where no one could find us. Apparently, they were teaching me a lesson. For having recovery time over the weekend, the leader told the others to hit me twice as hard. He never got involved, his part was to enjoy the show. At this point I was so used to it that I'd laugh like a lunatic with tears falling freely down my face.

My next move was to make Yoongi and Taehyung pick me up from school every morning. If this continued, the end result was going to be gravely severe.

I managed to get to class after they left me there. I was a good 20 minutes late, but luckily for me Mr. Choi was absent today. I was safe from getting the punishment he mentioned last time. A substitute covered for him instead, but the whole class seemed uninterested on what she was saying. To my own surprise, someone else was in after disappearing for a whole week. Seeing him just made me shuddered, thinking of how much more hellish this week was going to get for me.

Dark and Wild~JikookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora