"I don't know. This guy came up to me and offered me a drink. I was bored and at a party, so I accepted it and soon enough, I could barely even remember my name--"

"Wait...you bumped into this random guy and decided it would be a good idea to just accept a drink from him?" I interrupted, my eyes widening in shock. 

"Okay, so maybe my judgement was a little clouded. Anyways, this girl came over to us and started being all protective and acting like we were friends and told the guy to leave me alone," she continued.  

"So then all I could think of was that she was really attractive and I was thinking things that I didn't know I was capable of, and I know that I shouldn't have left you and your boyfriend--"

"He isn't my boyfriend," I cut her off, causing her to glare at me.

"But she was all concerned about how drunk I was and offered to take me outside. I was drunk and attracted to this girl, so I just let her lead me outside and I kissed her."

We both fell silent, though I could sense that there was something else that she wanted to say.

"How did you realise that you were gay?" she finally asked, looking at me.

"It's kind of hard to explain, really. I was never too interested in females but I never really questioned it until I was a little older. I didn't really understand what my feelings meant for a long time, being something my parents avoided to talk about. I just never felt interested in girls, boys just seemed more natural," I frowned.

Now that I was thinking about it, I realised that around the time of me discovering I liked boys, was the same time as when mine and Harry's friendship drifted apart. Not that he had anything to do with it. 

"Ni, can I try something?" she asked, looking as though she was incredibly nervous.

"Depends on--"

I was cut off by her soft lips making contact with mine. Neither of us moved, my eyes were clenched shut. Neither of us dared to move our lips, my eyes were clenched shut and I could feel the lip gloss that wasn't completely removed from the night before. 

She soon pulled away, her face expressionless as she let out a sigh.

"Did you feel anything?" I asked her, trying to remain calm. Funnily enough, she wasn't the first girl I had kissed. Thankfully, she wasn't the worst either. 


"So that probably means you have an attraction to girls."

"Not necessarily, maybe it's just you that I don't like. You're not the best kisser, Niall."

"Considering what happened last night, Harry happens to enjoy my kissing skills."

"Fake relationship," she scoffed, a clear giveaway that she didn't believe me.

"I think you should spend time with her whilst you're sober. If you do have feelings for her, that's the best way to find out."

"Um, I've met her once at a party. I was also wasted, so I wasn't exactly thinking of getting her number or anything."

"Lucky for you, she happens to be friends with my fake boyfriend."

"He won't be fake for much longer," she muttered.

"Jade," I whined. 

"Calm down, Niall. I don't see what the big deal is. I remember what he looks like. If I were you, it wouldn't be a fake relationship for that long," she smirked. 

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