Daddy's Boyy....

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Kayla's POV: Myy Mommiee Dukee Camee ndd Wokee Mehh Up...To Get Readyy...Todayy Is Da Dayy Mann...I Hopee Myy Dad Can Do Riqhtt Tho....ii Cntt Even Liee Tho Desee Outfits Fyee....Daddyy Got Tastee...!
Brandon's POV: Ariaa Fat Self Atee Myy Damnn Pancakee...She Get Dehtt Shxtt From Ha Mommiee...AnyyWayy Timee To Get Ariaa Readyy...We Walkedd in Da Housee ndd Ariaa Went To Her Room Ndd Saidd "Baylaa." "Yess?" Kaylaa Saidd "You Look Cutee Or Wadevaa.." She Saidd Snapping Her Fingers. Ariaa Andd Kaylaa Went into Our Room...."Danqq Mommiee Lookk Finee....!" Theyy Saidd in Unison. "Weaa Yall Thankk Yall Get Yall Looks From **Flips Hair**" We All Lauqhed. I Was In Da Bathroom Brushinn Myy Hair ndd Doinn Myy Hygiene. Ndd ii Was Juhh Thinkinn Mann....In Less Than 30mins She Wouldd Be Myy Fiance...!
**At The Carnival**
Brielle, Kaylaa, Ariaa ndd ii Was Walkinn Alonqq The Street..I Stopped Brielle Ndd Kaylaa Got Out Her Phonee Andd Started Recordinqq..ii Looked into Brielle's Eyes Ndd Saidd: " When ii Met uu ii Hadd No ideaa uu Wouldd Be Soo Important to Mehh...Brielle I'm So Sorryy For EveryyThinqq ii Put uu Thruu...ndd ii Never Wannaa Hurtt uu Likee Dehtt Aqain...!" Everyybodyy Was Lookinn Andd Brielle Startedd To Cryy As ii Got On Onee Knee...."Briellee Mariyahh Murphy....**Opens Ring Boxx** Will Youu Marryy Mehh ?" "AWWWWHHHHH!" Everyybodyy Saidd In Unison "YES!" She Saidd Huqqinqq Mehh...ii Put The Ring On Her Finqer ndd Kissed Her...! Myy Phonee Ranqq:
Mehh: Hello?
????: Mr. Brandon Carter?
Mehh: Speaking?
?????: This is The Medical Center and I Was Calling To inform you that your son has been beaten and has aa concussion, aa fractured Finger, Bruised lip, and a Swollen Eye We Weren't Able to Reach His Mother but He is Ready to Be Sent Homee..
Mehh: I'm On Myy Wayy!
"Yall We Gottaa Go !" I Saidd "What Whyy?" Brielle Askedd "I'll Explain Later It's an Emergency." I Saidd We All Got into The Car Andd left...

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