Liv looked at the device in his hand, she seemed as though she was putting her guard up. 

"Fine. Go ahead" she begun, sounding vicious. "We have nothing to hide". 

"We'll see about that" Eric replied in a hushed tone. I simply stood next to him, observing their small conversation. "Alright!" Eric continued, turning to face his armed people. "You know what to do!

Instantly everyone began to round up nearby Amity residents, taking them to the Amity eating area to be tested. Eric and I made eye contact and I gave him a nod, before we turned back to Liv to find her gone... 

Eric then looked back at me in question. Thinking I would know where she was because she was one of my best friends. I thought about it and then looked into the building standing before us. He understood what I meant and called out to Jamie, "Jamie, follow us". 

Jamie had sort of become Eric's body guard in some ways. There were others too, like Peter but Eric really seemed to trust Jamie, a lot. 

We made our way through the building coming to a spiralling stair case. I heard some sort of shuffling above so I began to climb the staircase. I knew why Eric wanted to find them, because he wanted to test them. But I wanted to find them, just for the sake of being with them again. 

We found Elise and Liv in a spacious office. I became suspicious though, when I saw Elise jump away from an open window, closing a blind over it as she moved away. They both looked very flustered, Liv had taken her throw-over robe off, revealing her tattooed arms. It wasn't much of a sight for me, for I had seen them before. But for Jamie and Eric, it was very surprising. 

"Hmm, an Amity girl with tatts" Eric began, taking slow steps towards her. "That's not something you see everyday" he eerily finished. He was playing with her, trying to make her scared. But Liv was one of the toughest people I knew, she would never back down and she would always appear confident and unshakable. 

Eric pulled out the device again. This time planning on testing the both of them. I became worried again, dismissing my previous suspicions. Were the girls going to try and run away, to stop him from testing them? Like I did... After all, they were divergent, just like me...

If Eric kills them, I don't know what I am going to do... I thought. 

He stepped towards Elise, holding the device just in front of her forehead. She did not budge.  

Divergent: 40 percent the robotic voice spoke.

"Well I'll be damned" he said in a somewhat sad tone. As if to say to Elise 'what a shame, too bad'. 

He casually pulled a gun on her. This time Elise flinched, stepping away a little. She was now petrified, I could read it on her face. 

Then, Freddy leapt out of nowhere, yelling at Eric, telling him to drop the gun. It was romantic yet dangerous. Eric just gave Jamie a look and Jamie knew what it meant. He reached to grab Freddy, holding him back from disturbing us. 

As Eric held the gun on Elise he handed the device to me. "Test her" he remarked, nodding his head toward Liv. 

I shuddered a little. Not wanting to reveal her secret. But I did... 

Divergent: 60 percent. 

Eric's eyes widened, Jamie's mouth opened and I said 'sorry'. 

Eric then thrust the gun upon Liv, making Jamie arc up, telling Eric he couldn't kill her, as he still held Freddy in place. Eric kept moving the gun between Liv and Elise. But before he could do any harm I jumped in front of the both of them, standing up for them as I know they would've done for me. 

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