Chapter 2-Ten Years Later

Start from the beginning

However fascinating it was to imagine the impossible, the unordinary, the rarity of it all, it would be nice sometimes if the world had a little magic in it.

Perhaps a fairy godmother...or a genie who grants three wishes? To have a superpower like Elsa and turn anything to frozen ice...Her thoughts made the side of her face lift up in half a smile.   It would be nice if there were a few Prince Charmings sprinkled around the world, charging in on white horses carrying maidens towards the sunset.

Camelia shook her head at the nonsense her mind conjured up. She was a whimsical dreamer. However foolish it sounded, it couldn't prevent the image from flooding her brain of Stefan as her Prince Charming.

It made a blush form on her pale cheeks while a content sigh escapes her lips.

To have someone to love and be loved in return was every girl's dream. And deep down she yearned for her very own fairytale. A man to share her first kiss with. A man that shared her dreams. A man to share a future with. Camelia wished with her whole heart she would someday have a romance story of her very own that she would one day live out.

As always she was doubtful.

Someone like her didn't get those kind of things. She was too closed off to the world. Being shy did not help. It always put her on edge when it came to the opposite sex. It was difficult to trust and it wasn't easy to form relationships with males or females when all she does is stand in the shadows and act invisible.

And for that reason nobody ever bothered with her.  She barely had any friends.  But because she shut people out she was labeled by many as selfish, arrogant, cold, standoffish, reserved, serious, unapproachable.

When one doesn't ask, one only assumes and most times it was misplaced.  Their assumptions were based on how they wanted to view her.  Nobody ever approached and asked. 

It was true she was quiet but it came to her naturally to be an observer then a talker. There was a whole different world inside her head only a handful of people knew about. 

She found joy in the smallest things. Loved life. Believed in true love.  Listening to music gave peace to her soul. Sitting in a corner quietly and watching others interact was enough most times. But being in seclusion had a price, and that, like everything else in this world ends.

Deep down she was lonely.
They finally arrive.

The reality finally sinking in.

Starring wide eyed, passed the tinted windows of their moving vehicle, they approach the cemetery, catching an unobstructed view of line after line of tombstones.

Some large, some small, others lay flat in the grass. The flowers surrounding and atop some of the graves was the only indication of life.  It made her feel hollow and incredibly sad for the people who lost their family members.

The muscles in Camelia's chest tightened.  It suddenly felt as if a heavy and burdening feeling weighted her down much like a pile of bricks. 

She switches her gaze back towards the clear blue sky.

It was a bright, temperate day in January. The sky was clear and sunny instead of downcast like the day represented. The weather should be stormy and raining–where angels up in heaven were crying and showering them with their sadness.

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