chapter 1

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There was a young, but not too young girl who was lying down on the couch as it was late at night and she had just sent some kids to sleep and decided to watch some television until the adults would come home. It was a normal day so far and it was a normal babysitting job, so she felt a little dull, but at least she had entertainment to occupy her from the bright and flashy music videos that the 1980's had to offer.

The other girl in the house came over and reached for the remote, bowl of popcorn in hand, and a lollipop in her mouth. "Budge over, Billy's on..." She said, luckily clearly around her lollipop. She was skinny, but almost didn't seem it by the small bump of her belly. And she had medium brown hair, brown eyes, and she was in a punk like outfit.

"Oi!" the first girl glared. "I'm exhausted, I've been chasing after sugar munchkins all day!"

The second girl gave her a look. "Try carrying one." she retorted back, but had a small lift to one the corners of her mouth. However, no one came between her and Billy's concert shows.

The first girl growled, leaning back and folded her arms. "Somebody needs to invent personal television sets..."

"Yeah... Get right onto that." the other girl smirked, changing the channel. She offered some popcorn though.

The first girl stuck her tongue out, but ate some of the popcorn. At least that was good. "Okay, but if there's a new episode of Family Ties the next time I babysit, you're gonna get it." she then threatened.

"Shhhhhhh~ Be a good quiet girl, Gemma~" The second girl shushed, placing a black nail polished hand on her mouth temporarily. She loved Billy so much.

The first girl grumbled, but she stayed quiet, forcing herself to watch the screen. She didn't exactly hate Billy Idol, she just wasn't a big, gaga fan like most people were.

After the show had finished, the second girl sat back with a happy sigh, a pillow held to her chest in a hug, careful of her stomach. "I went to a Billy Idol concert once~" she hummed.

"Out of how many?" Gemma teased. "A thousand?"

The second girl, who was called Amy, stuck her tongue out. "Just because you didn't get to go~" she taunted, but only playfully.

"At least I do all my homework..." Gemma retorted, then looked distant. "I miss my old English teacher... He was so cool, he never talked too much so he wouldn't borify us to death... He was great in Latin subjects too..." she then smiled, rather dreamily as her face flushed slightly. "I... I was recommended to take Latin Club as an elective..." she then said, though that sounded not completely true.

"Hmm..." Amy hummed, not really believing but not going to argue. "Hey, before Robbie and the others get back... Can I tell you something?" She asked, rather quietly.

Gemma seemed lost in her own little world for a brief moment, then shook her head and looked to Amy once she heard the other girl's voice. "Uh, sure..." she then said with a small smile. "What?"

"I-I've never told anyone... B-But its Billy..." Amy said quietly.

Gemma sighed, feeling like Amy was going on another fan girl tangent. "What about him?"

"Billy's the baby daddy." Amy says, after making sure there was no one else around.

Gemma let that sit in. "Billy's the baby... Daddy..." her eyes then widened. "Wait... No way! H-How, what?"

Luckily, she was not loud enough to wake up the kids she was babysitting.

Amy covered her mouth again. "Shh, I'll tell you, just keep quiet," she hisses, mostly in urgency. "The concert I went to offered to let a lucky fan go meet Billy afterwards, it ended up me." she starts.

Gemma, Amy, and the Wedding SingerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora