Chapter 21

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*Taylor's POV*
Luke and I walked through the park holding hands. It was a chilly night but I wasn't cold, Luke's warm body very close to me as we walked. My heels clicked on the concrete path as we walked, my feet hurting more with each step. My walking slowed and I began to limit lightly.
"Are you alright?" Luke asked looking down at me as I tried to adjust my shoes.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said and looked down at my blistering feet. Luke looked down at my feet and then at his own. He slipped off his old gray vans and slid them over towards me. I looked at him and shook my head no. Luke nodded yes before kneeling down towards my feet. I held onto his shoulder for balance as he slipped off my heels and slid the oversized vans onto my feet.
"Better?" he asked. I smiled down at him before lightly kissing him on the nose.
"Yes. Thank you." He smiled and then stood in front of me. I slid my heels onto his feet and put his hands on his hips. I laughed while he strutted around a bit.
"Fuck these things do hurt." He said and kicked them from his feet. I nodded and giggles as he linked my arm with his. He carried my heels in his other hand and we walked out of the park together and headed back to my house.
After tripping down the street a few times in Luke's shoes and Luke stepping in some gum while wearing only his socks, we finally got to my apartment. I unlocked the door and lead Luke inside. The house was dark and quiet so I knew my mom was out with my brother on some sport thingy.
Luke and I walked up to my room. He plopped down on my bed as I kicked off my shoes. I walked over to my closet, taking a pair of shorts and big tshirt in my arms. I turned around to head towards the bathroom to change, when Luke grabbed onto my arm and spun me back towards him. I looked up at him confused. He lightly kissed me on the lips while holding my body close to his. He pressed light kisses to my neck while slowly pulling down the back zipper of my dress. The dress dropped to the floor as Luke continues to kiss my neck gently. I closed my eyes as Luke's warm lips disappeared from my neck. I then felt my clothes being removed from my hand. I opened my eyes to see Luke holding them. He took the big shirt and put it on over my head. I slid my arms into the sleeves as Luke released my shirt, letting the bottom reach the top of my thighs. I looked at him and he looked back at me. He brushed a piece of my hair back.
"I don't want to do anything you're not ready for." He whispered to me. I nodded my head.
"Thank you." I whispered before kissing him lightly on the cheek. Luke smiled and picked me up. I giggled as he carried me over to my bed and dropping me down onto the plush surface and plopping down next to me. I smiled as he pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around my body. I rested my head on his chest.
"Can you sing to me?" I asked quietly. Luke chuckled.
"I can't sing." He responded. I looked up at him.
"Yes you can. Please." I asked and gave my best puppy dog face. He smiled and sighed before starting to sing Ed Sheeran's song Kiss Me.
I traced circles in Luke's chest as I slowly fell asleep to the sound of his singing.
Hi everyone!!!!! I'm sorry that I haven't been on lately but school has started again and I haven't really had time to write. But I hope you guys liked this chapter.
Also I was thinking about writing another story but it wouldn't be a fanfic it would just be like a normal story that you would buy at the store or whatever but I just wanted to know what you guys think about that and if you guys would read it so please let me know! I love y'all and I'm going to try and update this story again this week.

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