Chpt. 17 O COME ON!!!

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Love you Sire." I said quietly into his chassis, but loud enough that I knew he could still hear it. He froze slightly and soon relaxed.

"And I you Lava." We stayed there for a moment, before Sire pulled me away and lifted me up to his shoulder. I climbed on. "Now let's go get you some good food." He said as we walked out into the main area.

"YAYYY!!!!" I yelled so loud even I cringed at my volume, I definitely felt Sire flinch. "Sorry" I whispered.

"You're fine just keep in mind that you are right next to my audio receptor." He said as he kept walking toward the exit.

"Ok" I said perking back up slightly. "Where are we going?"

"I AM going to give you some money and take you to the store so You can get some food that you can keep here at base." He said as he sat me down by the exit then he just transformed and opened his passenger side door. "Come on, get in." I jogged over and climbed in he shut the door behind me while I buckled. Then we drove out of base.

~~~~~Slight time skip to the store brought to you by The Doctor of Doom's Wrenches of Wrath~~~~~

We pulled up to the storer about 30 minutes later. The drive was quiet but it wasn't an awkward silence just friendly quiet.

He pulled up in a spot as far away as possible in the parking lot. Probably so people don't become suspicious of why there is an ambulance in the grocery store parking lot. Anyway I unbuckled and was about to open the door.

"Wait, Lava, here." Sire stopped me. He opened the glove box and inside was a small credit card.

"Where did you get this?" I asked not really wanting him to spend his money on me.

"It is one that Fowler gave all of us a copy of so we can use it if we even need to. I thought this would have a great occasion to use it." He responded then opened his door. "Ok, so go get the nutrients you need, but don't get too much junk." I gave him a grin.

"I wasn't planning on it," I then got out and walked into the store.

I walked around and got some fresh fruit, mostly apples. I then grabbed a box of cereal. I don't know if they have a fridge in base so I didn't get any milk I also grabbed some plastic silverware and paper plates. I then went to the preserved aisle and got some cans of soup along with canned fruits. I also grabbed some Gatorade out of the drinks aisle to help me stay hydrated at base. I then walked by a little area where they have a few clothes and realized that I've been wearing the same clothes for a few days now. So I decided to see what they have.

I was looking through the jeans when I saw a VERY familiar face about 3 yards away. I froze. It was HIM. I slowly started making my way to checkout, clothes can wait.  I was walking without taking my eyes off of HIM, but that was my mistake.I tripped and fell backwards and let out a grunt when I landed. I hit my head on a display behinds me. He whipped his head around and caught me in his glare, and he sneered at me.

"There you are you bitch. I wondered where you went you little whore." He said in a low menacing voice. He took a few steps toward me. "Now you are coming home right now." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up roughly dislocating my shoulder. I came out of my stupor and started trying to get away. The pain was horrible. 

"No! SIR-" I was cut off by him slapping me. I fell to the ground again.

"Get up you little bitch!" He said yanking me up by the back of my shirt. "We are going home now. Do not make a scene." He hissed in my ear. I still tried to get out of his grip. He responded by punching me in the gut, hard. I fell to the ground again. Then he kicked me in the ribs. I heard one or three ribs cracking. He must have been wearing his steel toed boots. I gasped, suddenly not being able to breath. I coughed and spat out some blood on the ground. 'Fan-fraggin-tastic.'

Why Me? ( A TFP Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ