Flaming Hospital (44)

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(Guys, I'm so sorry about the forever wait also that this chapter seems fast, but I hope you like it!)


The gang had ran out of the building with patients in their arms when Tadashi and I land on the pavement. "Did they get everyone out?" I asked, looking up to see Tadashi staring at the dancing flames. "I-I don't know." I sighed, gulping and take his hand. "Its alright."

"We've taken almost everyone out of the hospital!" One of the police officers yelled into the radio. "Stay here, Tadashi. I'm going to help." He grabbed my hand tightly, shaking his head, "No. Don't. This-" I stared at him sternly, "Tadashi, stay." With that, I ran to help everyone inside and luckily, Cass, and Boo we're helping already.

"(Y/n)!" Cass ran up to be and I'm glad no one else heard my name. "What happened?" I asked with more panic rising. She looks at the hospital, "The police already arrested a few nurses that made a fire. It wasn't their fault though." I nod feeling very sorry for the nurses because they were Eclipsed people. "Lets just help now."

We all jumped as part of the bottom rooms exploded, leaving a crumbly hole in the wall. "Did everyone get the patients out?" I said, running up to the head police man. He shrugs, looking like a nervous wreck which you can't blame him. I mean how many times do you see a hospital on fire? "WAIT! Dr. Daisuke!"

Wait..........I could feel my blood run cold as I turn to see a nurse calling toward the flaming building. She.........She called my brother's last name. "Hiroshi! Come back, its not safe!" That was Hiro. I watch as Hiro runs in the building and I shake in great worry and panic. "No......" This can't be happening. Its just all- I shake my head because even if I keep telling myself..... it's never a dream. "We need to get Dr.Daisuke out!"

I ran toward the building, but a hand pulled me back and I almost stumbled. Tadashi. "Tadashi?" He looked at me with so much fear, "Don't." I shake my head and take my hand back, "Your brother and my brother are in there. You either go with me or not. I'm going." I continued to go inside, not looking at Tadashi's face but I did feel so many emotions raging in him.

"Where did they go?" My suit had special air conditioned and fresh air ventilating through it, so the smoke and heat didn't bother me much.

A purple shape turned a corner but it looked faint, "That way." I ran in that direction to see stairs. Seriously, upstairs? I hate stairs but now is not the time (Y/n). A flame jumped at me from behind and I guess it's up I go.

"Hiroshi....." I heard faint yelling a few more floors up, but the crackling flames made it hard to hear, plus the smoke. Step by step, I jumped as far as I could and dodged flames here and there. "I REALLY should thank, my bro for these suits." Soon something told me to stop as I pant heavily.

Pediatric Ward.

"AH!" I gripped the handle to the door when a big explosion can from near by. "I MEAN IT HIRO! GO! GET HER OUT OF HERE!" There was loud coughing and yelling. Swinging the door open, I ran in and I followed the faint image of Hiro.

"I'm not leaving you here! I lost my brother and I'm not letting that happen again!"

"Just GO!"


I stopped and my eyes widen. Hiroshi......Hiroshi is stick behind a wall of fire. He's coughing so much. "Hiroshi!" I yelled almost crying as I try to get to him. His eyes stared at me with guilt and fear. Hiro was staring at me with confusion since he didn't know who I was and I can see Hiro holding a small girl.

"You guys......need to.....go!" Hiroshi coughed. I shook my head. "GUYS!" All of us see one of team members at a window, that was Aunt Cass. She waves her hand as Boo jumps inside and runs to us. Hiro jumps back as Boo pulls his suit toward Cass but he's scared. "He's getting you to safety! Go!" I said then turned to Hiroshi, "I'm not leaving you!" Hiro went to Cass but I started pulling a desk then pushed it before kicking it on part of the flames.

Hiroshi had a hard time walking over and I helped him only for Hiro to come back to help me. "You need to go!" I growled, Hiro shook his head and helped support Hiroshi. What is up with being stubborn and determined with him? Oh yeah.....he's Hiro. We lead Hiroshi to Cass, which Hiro didn't know it was her. She took Hiroshi and reached for us.

(A claw swiped at us.)

I pulled Hiro to the floor as a flamed claw slashed out where we were standing. "Wh-what IS THAT!?" Hiro said fearfully as I seen the fire spirit cover the only way out. Others like it blocked any means of escape. Man.... how did I ever get caught up in this? "AH!" Hiro and I fell from a giant explosion from below as the whole building shook dangerously.

Suddenly I heard a raspy cough and almost hyperventilating noise and turned to see Hiro trying to breath through the heat and smoke. His suit wasn't meant for this heat. "We need..... to get out." He said but slide on the wall, coughing. "Oh man!" I pulled Hiro to lean on me as the fire spirits closed in on us. Hiro's not gonna last long in that helmet. Yep, I'm gonna risk myself.

I pulled off my helmet, taking Hiro's off and stuck my helmet on him. Hiro took a deep breath, coughing but breathing in fresh air and cool air. "(Y-Y/n)?! You're-" Before I could hear him more, I felt my chest tighten and I coughed hard. My chest hurt so much and it felt like there's no air. Everything was dizzy and blurry too. "(Y/n)! Hey!" Hiro shook my shoulders but I made sure he kept the helmet on. "Stop......."

Gosh dang, it's hot! My skin felt like it's melting or like I've been in front of a stove for a long time.

Suddenly I couldn't hear anything. Just a loud high pitch noise and.....,,its getting louder! A loud muffled boom went off and I tried to see through the dizzy world.

"T-Tadashi?" Hiro's muffled voice said and I glanced up to see Tadashi without his helmet and covering us.......with angelic wings that had white flames dancing on them. Tadashi had his eyes closed and I glanced up to see orange-red fire blowing over us.

'Tadashi?....(Y/n).....she knew.,.....'

I hear Hiro's voice whisper in my mind.

Hiro Hamada X Psychic! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن