Sugar Rush (13)

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(Sorry for the late update, but had family matters to deal with and got this chapter done. Enjoy!)


Before I could say anything, Hiro started really fast. "An arcade! (Name of Place to rent movies)! A Convenient Store! That is a good size laundry mat. A restaurant! I didn't even know these were in this building! Why didn't you mention this before? Why do they even have this in a home building? Do you come here-" "Hiro!" I held his shoulders and shook him while laughing. "Calm down, I didn't even hear half of the things you said." Let's just hope he doesn't see the candy store because if he runs in there, I have to get him out and the candy will tempt me to eat. Hiro smiled in embarrassment as we started walking toward the convenient store. "Sorry. I'm a fast talker when my brain starts going, even when I get over excited." Well that's a fact about him, not that.....never mind. "Nothing to blame yourself for, right? And to answer one of your questions. The Skyline CEO thought it would be best to add this floor in for the elderly who live here, sometimes Hiroshi gives them check ups instead of them going to the hospital, and for entertainment for everyone who live here." Hiro nodded and we were getting closer to the Candy Store. "Wow. By the way, how do you know that?" "My brother has friends unlike I do, plus he's the one who helped make this building, especially this floor." A hand was placed on my shoulder and Hiro grinned. "You've got friends now. I use to be like you, no friends, just kept to myself because I was too smart and was bullied for it. Oh my gosh is that a candy store?!" Oh no.

I watched Hiro run into the colorful store. "Hiro! Aren't we suppose to get Mochi's supplies?!" "I'm just getting a few treats, then we'll get Mochi's things!" He yelled from inside as I stood outside the entrance, staring at all the candies on the display window. "Come on!" Hiro popped out of no where and dragged me inside. We went down almost all the aisles, him picking up different things, but mostly gummy bears and we headed to the cash register. "That is a lot of candy, Hiro." "Yeah and you're gonna help me eat it." He held out a hand-ful of (fav.candy) and I reluctantly took it. "Where did you learn those moves, earlier at the cafe? Because that was really awesome and the way you were so determined. Even you had awesome leadership skills when you lead us through the ordeal, it's like you done this before!" At least I understood what he said through his fast-talking again. "Again it was Hiroshi who thought it was best to train me with one of his friends who knows different things about protection and such."

(Hiro's POV)

(y/n) is an awesome person once she started opening up and there's probably a lot of things that could come as a surprise like when she was shy and quiet, then went full out fighter mode! I noticed (y/n) had finish her candy and I gave her more. "That's cool, I remember when I brother taught me how to fight for protective reasons. What about the leadership?" We had walked into the convenient store and I grabbed a cart. (Y/n) showed me the pet aisle, "I don't know about the leadership thing, but I just knew I had to protect my friends." I smiled at her answer with something nagging at the back of my head that there was more to what's going on. "Mind holding this?" (Y/n) held the big bag of candy as I got Mochi's supplies. "Okay, I think that's it." No answer. I looked around me. "Uh....(y/n)?" There was only an empty bag of candy. Maybe I should ask Hiroshi why he thinks (y/n)'s sugar rush is funny, but he's busy with Cass, unless Fred knows. I pulled put my phone, calling him. "Hey little man! How are things?you alright?" "Yeah, everything's alright, but I needed to ask you something that's about (y/n)." "Ask away." I picked up the bag with nervousness."Lets say I gave (y/n) a big bag of candy to hold while I got Mochi's supplies and I find an empty bag on the floor with no (y/n) in site?" It was quiet on the other line, before Fred chuckled. "Aw man, Hiro. All I can say is good luck, later." Confused, I continued pushing the small cart and looked down each aisle for (y/n). My phone buzzing from a text message from (y/n)'s brother.

'Hiroshi: She's your problem now, good luck.'

I grew hesitant and heard a sound of a bag crumble, noticing the aisle was for toys. There was (y/n), standing innocently eating a bag of MY gummy bears! "Hey! Those are mine!" I whined, making (y/n) snap her head at me before placing the bag in her pocket and pulled out a foam sword. "Then come and get it." I looked around and picked up a sword as well. We ran at each other and swung, hitting weapon to weapon while making fake sword sounds. Okay, if this was really real, then (y/n) would've been a master. The graceful movements and- "Ah!" I felt my feet get knocked from under me, but at least the floor was a soft landing? Sitting up, I saw a stuffed toy (fav.animal) laying where my head hit. "You're lucky I put that there before you collided on the floor." (Y/n) laughed as I pouted. A bag of gummy bears stared at me and (y/n) smiled. "Here's your gummy bears, Honey Lemon told me how much you love those." She then skipped to the cart and hopped in. "Let's go, Hiro!" I shook my head before getting up and pushed the cart with speed. (Y/n) threw her hands up, "WooHoo!" We both laughed. Suddenly, I lost my grip on the cart. "Oh no." My eyes widened as (y/n) stood up in the cart. "Yeah! Whoa!" She yelled out, seeing the cart hit a box full of huge stuffed animals and (y/n) flipped out of the cart. "(Y/n)!" I ran up to the box and....a freaking huge teddy bear moved! "RAWR!" "AHHH!" I held my chest and glared at (y/n) who was laughing. "You scream like a girl!" "And you're crazy for standing up in a cart like that."

Finally we checked out, but while heading back up, (y/n) made bunch of sound effects for every little thing. That reminded me of Fred for some reason. (Y/n) placed the bags on the table, digging through it like a little kid and pulled out a laser pointer? When did she get that? I followed her to the couch, "Mochi! Look what I got!" Mochi looked up, then spotted the red dot on the floor and started chasing it. I chuckled and sat down next to (y/n) as she moved the pointer everywhere. "Can I try?" (Y/n) handed me the pointer over and I made Mochi jump on the wall, running around in a circle over and over. We laughed at the funny tactics.

(Back to your POV)

"Mochi." Hiro and I turned our heads to see Baymax trying to keep up with Mochi, making us laugh harder. Tears came from my eyes as Mochi ran at Baymax, knocking him onto the floor and launching Mochi on the sofa. Hiro leaned his head on my shoulder, still laughing and I felt my sugar rush leave. I sighed tiredly, leaning my head on Hiro's and ruffled his surprisingly soft hair. "That was a good laugh." "Yeah it was." Hiro agreed. We sat in silence, then Mochi crawled by us before Baymax came over and gave a group hug. It's been awhile since I've been this happy. "I know this is not my favorite thing to do, but I'm gonna take a picture of this moment." Hiro said while taking out his phone and set the camera. The screen showed Hiro and I squished together with Mochi against Baymax who had his head on my other shoulder, then Hiro smiled with happiness shining in his eyes. "Smile!"


(I hope you had a good time with Hiro. Will try to update sooner. =)

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