Dust Devils (17)

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Hiroshi drove and I sighed. I knew this was going to happen. "Aunt Ca-" We got rammed from the back and Aunt Cass looked scared at what was behind us. "Are those Dust Devils following us?!" "Miss Cass please. We'll explain later, but right now we're in the middle of trouble." Hiroshi said calmly, then looked at me and Fred. "We aren't fully prepared, are we?" Fred asked.

Hiroshi shook his head. "Not exactly, but the only weapons I have are two iron daggers, tiny bottle of holy water, and golden brass knuckles in the middle seat." I pulled the seat up to see the contents. "Weapons!?" Cass panicked as Tadashi appeared who I can only see. "Why are they after you guys?" Everything was happening too fast and forgot that Tadashi was a spirit at the time being.

"Not now, Tadashi. We need to get rid of these bad spirits before they hurt others." From the holy water, I rubbed some on the top of the brass knuckles and daggers. "Fred! Watch the ones from the back, I kinda I have to watch these ones that appeared on the front." Hiroshi said and I opened the rooftop window. "(Y/n), becarful please!" "I know!"

Slipping out on top of the car, I balanced myself before a few dusties circled the car. "Man I wish I had Blessed Sand right now." Inside the whirling sand, there were quite a few bad spirits reaching out and if they pull you in.....well the sand will suffocate you. The car jerked again, but luckily Tadashi held me and noticed the dusties scream at him. My senses told me to duck, so I did and punched behind me. It only hurt the dusty barely.

Next time, bring better damaging weapons. I kicked, spun, punched, and sometimes mixed moves along with Tadashi. Then I just HAD to loose my footing and land on my stomach. "Whoa! Let go you flipping Devil Vaccums!" One had grabbed my leg and I held onto the roof opening. "(Y/n)! Let her go!" My eyes widened when a flame hit the dusty and made it poof into nothing. I looked at Tadashi who held his hands up in surprise.

The flames had the lighting of white light, but danced around like fire. I got up and we continued to fight. "This is useful, but when are these Dust Devils going to stop!" Tadashi said when he was suddenly grabbed and thrown somewhere off the car. "Tadashi! Ah!" Two hands from different Dust Devils began pulling separate ways. My eyes closed from the sand hitting my face.

"Aaaaa!" I fell on my knees and saw Aunt Cass holding the two daggers. "(Y/n)! Are you alright sweetie!?" I nodded, "Thanks Aunt Cass." She nodded, wondering how she could see what she's hitting. "I have no idea what I'm hitting at." She said sheepishly while looking at all the Dusties and I hit all the hands trying to grab her. I hate to do this. "Aunt Cass, I'm going to give you The Sight for a short time. Heya! To see what your hitting. Duck!" Cass ducked and I hit behind her. "If it's going to help fight whatever these things are, then do it." I held out a hand to her.

When she took it, she screamed and hit the hands reaching for her. "This is the craziest thing that has happened to me in my life! Oh I'm so glad we left Mochi at your place!" Oookay. My spine and senses spiked and all the Dust Devils went to something in front of us. Hiroshi and Fred yell, "GUYS!" Cass and I flew up, but we held onto the car and I saw a big dust tornado in front of us. "Get inside!" Our fingers were slipping. Fred was going to pull us in.......oh no.

Aunt Cass hung onto me and I felt sand scratching my skin. Soon we both were trying to breath. "NO!" Arms held both Cass and I, feeling us go up and fresh air hit my lungs. We were put down next to the car as I watched Tadashi stare at the tornado. "Is there a way to stop it?" I nodded and seen white feathered wings. "Guardian wings, but not quite to Sunfire wings yet, but yeah. Either you throw Blessed Sand at it or counter acting the rotation to go back to clock wise."

Tadashi flew up with great force and started flying clock wise from the bottom. That's when the Dusties screamed before disappearing into nothing. "That was easy." I pouted at Tadashi. "Well it's because you're an Angel." He smirked, "Why thank you, (y/n)." I playfully hit his shoulder. "Mind taking Mochi back to the cafe?" Tadashi nodded before flying off.

Aunt Cass didn't say anything, only when we picked up Hiro who finished his classes early. Fred stayed, saying he'll have Wasabi take him home. "Hey guys." He said happily. Hiroshi smiled and I waved at him when Aunt Cass answered. "Hey, sweetie." "Everything good at the cafe?" She thought about an answer, but Hiroshi bet her. "Sure is. I bet you both can't wait to sleep in your OWN beds." Hiro and I glared at him, but Hiro went back to Cass. "How was your day Aunt Cass?" Aunt Cass must really be a good actor or something. "It was fine as usual."

I saw Hiro look back and forth between Aunt Cass and I. "Why do you and (y/n) look like you've been in a fight?" Cass laughed with a wave. "Oh we just got caught up in one of those Dust Devils earlier." Hiro laughed, "I've heard about that. Kinda weird having those around here, but at least they're gone. So I've heard." I couldn't believe Aunt Cass covered up for us.

We got back to the cafe and made sure they were safe enough to stay, but weren't too worried since Boo had slipped inside. We stood by the cafe door, except Hiro who went up to his room. "I expect you two, well Hiroshi you have work, but (y/n). Tomorrow explanation." I nodded as she hugged us both and went to slip inside. "But I have to admit. That was a rush and quite interesting."

Before I could go into the car, Hiro ran out. "(Y/n)! Wait!" I walked over, "Yeah?" He then held my hand and kissed it, "Arrivederci." I laughed at his attempt to pronounce 'until we meet again' in French. He rubbed his neck, "Did I say that right?" "Close, but I understood." "You don't mind if.....,.if we make this a daily thing?" I shrugged. "Why not?" We hugged as I kissed his cheek. "Au revoir, Hiro."

"Goodbye (y/n)." We jumped at Baymax who stood by us. "Baymax!" Hiro said surprised. I laughed, "Bye Baymax. See you two tomorrow."

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