Making Distractions (42)

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??? POV:

(A commotion caught your attention and you looked over to the police cars. The people who broke in were just average citizens again. "How did I get here?!" "Why I'm I going to jail!? I didn't do anything?!" A woman cried, then the man from before didn't have that shine in his eyes any more. "No! Please, something was controlling me! Please believe me, I have kids and a wife to take care of!" His voice wasn't like before either and the bad vibe was gone. "Something was controlling him, I could feel it." Tadashi said.)

"Fail." I said serenely.

(Tadashi flew up with great force and started flying clock wise from the bottom. That's when the Dust Devils screamed before disappearing into nothing. "That was easy." You pouted at Tadashi. "Well it's because you're an Angel." He smirked, "Why thank you, (y/n)." You playfully hit his shoulder.)

"Fail." The grip on my staff tightened.

( You gulped. Under your feet you felt the magnets detach from your shoe magnets and heard the power go off. "Oh, no, no, no, NOOOOO! AHHHH!" The wind rushed past you as you saw the world spin, not knowing which way went up or down. Your back collided onto something hard, but not enough to kill you. "Baymax! Head to Fred's Mansion!" Your eyes flew open at the familiar voice. Baymax's face looked at you as he blinked. "Hello (y/n). I see no serious injuries, but you may have a major back pain from the impact. I am sorry for causing the injury." You smiled lightly. "Its alright Baymax. I forgive you.")

(There were many people with Eclipsed expressions. You swung to block each sword comin at you, managing to knock a out a few by hitting the hilt behind their heads. Your sword was taken from you by the elder. "Karate!" He yelled. You ducked, tripping people, hitting their pressure points. Only a few had karate skills, but weren't exactly a high level. Everyone was down.)

("Baymax. Help Hiro and I fight unil they hit the windows!" Hiro had his mouth agape at you, not noticing the demon behind him. You pushed him to the side, doing a kick to the face. "Earth to Hiro! You gonna fight?!" He shook his head. "Sorry." You all fought until a bunch of light flooded everywhere. Many inhuman screams made you all cover your ears. Soon it died while the library had no evidence of what went on. "It looks like nothing even happened." Honey said. Silence...... "Why didn't you wait in the lab?!" Hiro yelled at you.)

"Fail. FAIL. FAIL!" I screeched, slamming my staff on the ground. "You ALL failed me!" The pool reflection cleared of all the past images. The Shadows, Gremlins, Hell Hounds, Eclipsed, and the other dark entities back away in fear of me. "I can only give her warnings since I am not strong enough. I have you all, but you FAILED!" I had to try more distractions before its complete. Those kids can't get in my way like last time. "Hopefully, this time my new creation will do the job. OUT!" There was silence.

In the mirror beside my throne, I glared at the form that looked so weak and frightened. "You were the only one there that I could possess. Now you try to make contact with HER. That was a big mistake and you shall stay there where no one can hear or see you." The clicking of my shoes echoed as I made my way across the room where a faint purple glow illuminated. Holding up my staff high above me, I chanted my ancient language before the amulet and my stone shone darkly. "OPEN!" My hood flew back from the force of power that now surged in front of me.

A light blue portal hovered while barely keeping visible. I held my hand out in an 'approach' motion. A deflated white figure floated out from the portal as I chuckled darkly, staring at him. "You were floating endlessly in that oh so lonely abyss with me. Now you're free. HAAAAAA!" Again I slammed my staff down.

The Symbol of Darkness appeared under the white figure, glowing dark purple with ancient symbols that now consumed them in dark matter of purple and black. "That's it." I chuckled darkly again as the now evil robot arose. His dark purple and black armor gleaming, his red eyes glowing bright. "I need you to attack anyone that stands in your way, though bring me either the boy or the girl." I grinned wickedly, "You know who I'm talking about." With a stiff nod, he took off into the portal that now lead above San Fransokyo.

I chuckled deeply before laughing evilly. In my hand now shown a purple ball with an image in the middle. Your (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair.....,.."AH!" I crushed the image. "We can't have that ugly half breed running around, can we?" I smiled, walking through the mirror that lead me out onto an office. "More distractions, if this one fails again." My hands held together behind my back, gazing out the window at the grassy campus.

A knock disturbed my thoughts. "Miss Callaghan? Did you call for something?" I gave an annoyed sigh. Another student. They are so pestering as an aid. "Yes! I'm going to be visiting my father so I'll be out all day and let everyone know I will not be in my office!" My eyes glared at the sky before turning away and smirking at the picture of man and girl on the desk.

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