SF Art Competition Application (35)

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*Few Days Later*

Since that first day of trying out our suits and weapons, it has been only me and Tadashi fighting with Aunt Cass and Hiroshi getting busierwith their work.

They sometimes can come along, even Boo has to stay to watch over Aunt Cass. Hiro and his friends would help, though we would leave before they would speak to us.

BANG! TING! A bullet had bounced off my armor as I covered a woman working over the bank counter. "Dude! Do you even know how to shoot a gun!?" I yelled angrily at Eclipsed people, robbing the bank. No idea why they need money.

Tadashi made a gust of wind with his wings, knocking them over. "(Y/n)! Get their weap-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey! Wha-" I mentally facepalmed myself at Hiro's voice, but the sound of a gun click brought me and Tadashi to attention. "Oh man." Hiro said in panic.

"Unbelievable. What is Hiro doing here and alone?" I heard Tadashi in my head. The Eclipsed took Hiro with them as well as the money. Suddenly, my hands went to my head.

(*Hiro's face appeared. BANG! White.*) I gasped, then tried to calm myself.

"It's just false perminision (Y/n). Always happens. It's fake. Tadashi follow them, I'll be behind you." He nodded disappearing into shimmers of light. I turned on the cloaking mode, running out of the bank and soon caught up to the Eclipsed.

Tadashi did the same with the winged knock-down as I made my weapon into a staff without blades. We knocked everyone out. "Could you guys tell me who you are?" I turned to look at Hiro with black-out screen on.

Tadashi handed me the stolen money and I gave it to Hiro who stared at us both. I could feel Tadashi's feeling of sadness. Sirens rung out and when Hiro looked toward it, then looked back we went invisable. "Unbelievable! Every time!"

We chuckled still in front of him. "Don't you have a contest application to fill out?" My eyes widened at Tadashi's reminder. "Oh Shiznuggets!" Running into the closest store to use the bathroom to change, I came back out in a hurry.

An advice......never run around a corner with a bunch of people walking. My body collided with someone who held me up. "(Y/n)?" "So sorry Hiro!" I ran around him, but stopped. "Do you know where the San Fransokyo City Hall is?"

Hiro held back a laugh. "Not so smart are we?" Que dead-pan look. "Seriously?" Hiro laughed, patting my back and pointed behind me. "Maybe you should look at the signs instead of running like you got your head cut off."

I turned, seeing 'SAN FRANSOKYO CITY HALL' two blocks away in huge letters. "Why?!"At that, I ran. "(Y/n)! Wait up!" Hiro was running next to me, smiling. "You signing up for that San Fransokyo Art Contest?" "Yeah! Today's the last day to register!" "Well we better hurry."

He smirked at me. "Race you!" I groaned as Hiro went faster. "I can't run that faaaaaast!" We made it in the building with just enough time to fill out the application. "No, you're suppose to put that there."

Hiro was annoying me, pointing his finger to certain places on the paper and keeps talking nonsense. "You're not suppose to write there!" I rolled my eyes, nudging him away as he laughed. "I'm trying to fill this out, now leave me be."

When I was about to write, Hiro nudged my arm and I moved the pen before it made a mark. "Hiro!" Again. Close to paper. Nudges me. Again. "Stoooooop!" Hiro held his hands up, grinning. "I'm done. Continue." Continuing, the last question stopped me.

"What is your art about and its title?" I whispered and glanced to see Hiro looking around boredly while swinging his legs. He saw me and smiled. I chuckled, writing down something before tuning in the paper.

"So what did you put as your art?" "Not telling." "Please." "Nope." Hiro's gave me the big eyes, but I smirked. "Nope. Can't tell you because it's a surprise for everyone, especially you." Hiro perked up. "A surprise? For me?"

He then made a sassy tone. "Oh you shouldn't have." I bumped him away. "You dork." "Scribblez." "What did I tell you?" "About what?" "The name." "What name?" He chuckled at my fumed face. "The-" Hiro put an arm around my shoulders, laughing.

"I'm kidding. You take things to seriously." I ignored him, looking away. "Aw. Is little miss (Y/n) mad?" He teased. "Would it help if I bought you fries?" I smiled. "FRIES!" So Hiro bought me fries as we walked to the cafe.

"What were you up to all day?" Hiro asked and I smiled trying to think of an excuse. "Well apprently I stayed up until morning and I kinda...." Hiro snickered. "You slept in. No wonder why you were in such hurry." A thought can to me, then looked at him.

"What did YOU do all day?" Hiro looked up thinking. "Well, i was playing games on the internet, helped Aunt Cass in the cafe, and I........went for a walk." I crossed my arms. "What happened?"

"So I was taking a walk, then suddenly as I walked by the bank some person grabbed me, then the next I know! I have fricking gun to my head!" Hiro said loudly. "After they took me and the money, one of those........what did everyone call them......"

I got a little worried for awhile, don't know why. "The Guardian Angels, I think, but one of them with the wings knocked them down when another team member or whatever came to help. Wow! I mean those fighting moves! It was so AWESOME!"

I snickered and punched his shoulder. "At least you're alive." "So am I, thanks to those two that saved me." I laughed. "The hero's turning into a damsel in distress!" Hiro playfully glared at me, shoving me away and pouting.

"Aw. Is little mr. Hiro mad?" I poked his cheek. "You know you can't stay mad at the great (Y/n)!" Hiro smile a little, which turned into a grin. "Don't look at me!" I laughed at him. "Well you did annoy me when I tried fill out the application." "Can't help it. It's funny seeing you get mad."

I rolled my eyes as we stopped in front of the cafe window. Aunt Cass saw me as waved happily. I waved back as Boo suddenly jumped up in front of the window. My eyes glared at him.

"You know. I never really knew that Aunt Cass brought home another cat." Hiro stated. "Aunt Cass seems to be happy about it." I looked inside to see Boo knock over cup and Aunt Cass seeming to say something sternly. "Mostly happy." Hiro chuckled.

"Yeah." I sighed, then smiled at him. "Well, I better head home." Hiro hugged me and kissed my hand. "Then Arrivederi, Stubborn Scribblez." "Ha ha." I kissed his cheek. "Au Revoir."

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