Stupid Gremlins! (19)

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So it's been.....about two weeks since Aunt Cass and Tadashi had their reunion. Hiroshi and I still had to talk about a few things to her and this time we need Fred to come along. Nothing else concerning spirits hasn't come up yet, but that won't last for long just like right now.

I ducked down as a two black shadows stretched out from the dark sides of the building. Suddenly, the gravity board I was on made a very upper sharp turn. "AHHHH!" The board was going great speeds and I reached up to the headset. "HURRY UUUP!" I started going past many wind turbines. Doing my best to turn, spin, and grind like a skateboard. "I can't right now! The gremlins are making it difficult to take back the controls! Get away from there!" Hiroshi yelled with a bunch of crashes in the background and maniacal laughs.

The board then lost power. "STUPID GREMLINS! AHHHH!" I screamed while free-falling down to the city streets. "Power on!" Hiroshi said before I grazed the top of a truck. "Boo and Tadashi are here, but one gremlin is still in the system." My heart pounded and I nodded. "Okay, hopefully it doesn't turn the power off again in the sky!"

Another shadow came out from under a car in front of me. I pulled out a tiny crystallized rock, throwing it down to cause a bright yet fast flash of light. The shadow disappeared. "How you holding up?" I rolled my eyes at the question. "Quite peachy. You know, stuck on a gravity board controlled by a gremlin, trying to not to crash while fighting Dark Shadows. YEAH! I'M DOING FINE! Whoa!" "Alright sorry. Fred called wondering why him and his friends see you flying around, so I told him and he said he'll help you get off the board."

I raised a brow. "How is he gonna do that?" "No clue- Tadashi! Boo! Quit argu-" Static meet my ears. "Hiroshi? Hiroshi what's-" "Girly go bye bye." A static voice said and my blood went cold as the gremlin laughed like a maniac. The board's went into full thrust up toward the sky. "Ahhh! Oh man, this worse than ( your fav. scary ride)!"

Soon I stopped, hovering and glanced down to see San Fransokyo way, way, way down below. I gulped. Under my feet I felt the magnets detach from my shoe magnets and heard the power go off. "Oh, no, no, no, NOOOOO! AHHHH!" The wind rushed past me as I saw the world spin, not knowing which way went up or down. A knot in my stomach and chill in my back was all I felt. The sound of cars honking was getting closer and closer. All I did is scream, praying I didn't die.

Closer and closer.

Honking getting louder.

Someone better help me or else I'm gonna haunt Hiroshi for his entire life.

My back collided onto something hard, but not enough to kill me. Maybe a sore back. The sound of the wind didn't feel harsh like before and it seemed like regular wind that would blow on a windy day. "Baymax! Head to Fred's Mansion!" My eyes flew open at the familiar voice. Baymax's face looked at me as he blinked. "Hello (y/n). I see no serious injuries, but you may have a major back pain from the impact. I am sorry for causing the injury."

I smiled lightly. "Its alright Baymax. I forgive you." A head peaked over behind Baymax and I made eye contact with Hiro. He smile nervously with a wave, "Hey (y/n). So........... how have you been?" I glared at him. "Did you seriously ask that?" Hiro laughed lighly, trying to avoid my irritated expression. Baymax descended on the ground behind Fred's Mansion before gently placing me down.

Hiro came up beside me with worry as I rubbed my back. "Can you walk in side?" My spine felt like it was going to get stuck, but I moved slowly. "Yeah, just not that fast. Gotta tough it out, right?" I playfully punched Hiro's arm as he chuckled. We went inside to see everyone in Fred's room. Wasabi, Honey, and Gogo sat on the couch. Fred and Hiroshi stood near the tv with the gravity board in Hiroshi's hands.

He must've gotten rid of the gremlins and Fred probably called everyone to help me, since they're in their suits. "So what happened?" Gogo asked. Hiroshi sighed. "I was testing the gravity board when the control system in my lab malfunctioned, causing the gravity board to go wacky too. (Y/n) was trying the magnetic pads, so she got caught on it. By the way...." Hiroshi walked to Hiro who took off his helmet and ruffled his head. "Thanks for saving (y/n)."

Hiro fixed his messy hair and smirked. "Hey, it's my job. Gotta save the damsel in distress." I crossed my arms. "I am not." "Are too." "Am not." "Are too." We got in each other's faces and I shoved his shoulders. He did the same which caused us to start wrestling. Suddenly we both grabbed each other's hair and winced from out own grip. "Okay, Okay, I give!" We said at the same time.

"Jinx! Double Jinx! Triple Jinx!" We laughed at each other, but my back started to hurt. "Ah! My back." Hiro laughed harder. "You sound like an old person!" "Shut up Hiro! It hurts." Baymax came next to me. "I heard a sound of distress. (Y/n), I suggest a good rest in bed for a few days." "I'm fine Baymax." I said and Hiro patted his armor. "She's alright Bud." "Are you guys done yet?"

We turned to see everyone smiling at us as we nodded. Honey looked at Hiroshi. "Are you two okay with this?" I glanced at everyone and smiled. "Yeah." "Y-you guys won't t-tell, right?" Wasabi asked. "No. Why would we?" Hiro pointed to my brother who didn't say anything through the whole thing. Fred gave a smirk and I did too, holding up five fingers. We counted down. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. "Wait....."

Suddenly Hiroshi grabbed Fred's shoulders. "YOU GUYS ARE SUPERHEROES!? Oh my gosh! FREDRICK, YOU DIDN'T TELL ME! Wow, you guys are my fav-" I sat next to Gogo with Hiro leaning behind me. "Is he gonna be long?" Gogo asked. "Until his fan-boying mind slows down." Hiro rose a brow. "That's when?" I shrugged, then saw Hiro smirk.

"Wanna go raid Fred's kitchen?" I nodded eagerly and we snuck out of the room.

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