Surprise Wake Up (23)

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(I don't own the pic, but I thought it was cute and to the owner of the pic, you did a awesome job. Thanks to all you readers for reading mi story!)

"(Y/n)..........(y/n) wake up." Someone whispered and poked my shoulder. I turned over, hopefully they got the message that I wanna sleep. Why is everyone waking me up early now? It got quiet, so I guess they left. Hands were wrapped around my ankles and I felt myself being lifted off the bed. "HOLY CRABCAKES!" Everything was upside down. "I said wake up!" "Put me down Hiro!"

He put me down, while sitting on my bed and began eating gummy bears. The ones that I bought him. Quickly I snatched it and ate them. "No!" Hiro put his whole weight on me, tryin to get back the bag. "Give!" "Get off! You're SO heavy!" "Gummy Bears." I got a hand free and placed more gummy bears in my mouth. 

Finally, I crumbled the bag and let Hiro take it. "Here." "You.....You ate it all!" "Isn't that what a best friend is for?" Hiro pouted, but smiled. "A best friend also raids your kitchen." He ran and I shook my head. "That dork." "You might wanna bring your laptop!" Hiro yelled from downstairs after I got ready. I rubbed my back and seen two sack lunches on the table. "Your brother made those for us this morning."

" gonna babysit me?" I laughed. "No. I have class, but you get to hang out with Baymax in my lab until lunch and when my classes are over. That's why I said to bring your laptop." I nodded before Hiro handed me a (fav.pastry) and (fav.juice) from the fridge. "Aunt Cass made (fav.pastry) this morning and I decided to bring you one, even if you did eat my gummy bears." My hands clasped together. "Aw! He cares." We grabbed our bags before walking to a trolley. 

Along the way, there were a few Dark Shadows and Eclipsed people who just stared at me. In my bag, I got out my drawing journal to keep myself distracted. Hiro leaned against my shoulder to look. "You draw?" "Sometimes. It helps me think or when I get bored and such." "Can I see?" No one has ever looked at my drawings, but.......I let Hiro. There were some pictures of memories, things I see, and random stuff. "Um....(y/n)?"

I looked at Hiro who stared at one particular picture drawing and I mentally slapped myself. It was the one where I first met Tadashi on the trolley. "What's this?" "That one was when I first rode the trolley from third point of view and I draw whatever I see around me. Why?" Hiro shook his head. "No reason. It's just that person looks like my brother." By then we got off and walked the rest of the way to SFIT.

"You should enter the San Fransokyo Art Competition. Those drawings would be awesome in that category." I smiled. "Really? You think my drawings are that good?" He nodded. "They're fantastic! I really like the ones with the robots fighting. The details seem like you take Industrial Design." "Maybe, but I think I could face a crowd or go up on a stage." I said as we walked into the big lab.

"Hi (y/n)!" Honey, Fred, and Wasabi waved. Gogo was nowhere to be seen along with her bike. "Hey guys!" "(Y/n)'s gonna hang with Baymax until we get out of class, except Fred who goes around encouraging everyone around the school." We all chuckled before Hiro lead me to his lab. 

"So you can do whatever you want, but just don't touch the machinery." "No worries. Hiroshi has the same rules in his lab." "Kay and You know where the bathroom is. Guess it's all good, except Baymax." "I wanna call out the Baymax!" I got into a hero pose, making Hiro laugh. "I shall summon the ancient helper of people, saying the magic spell." I said in a weird voice and held my arms up, then waited until it was silent.

"OW! Hiro!" He had jabbed my stomach. "You taking too long." "But you ruined the awesome moment!" Baymax inflated. "Hello (y/n). I was alerted when you said ow. What seems to be the trouble?" "Nothing Bayamx." I glared at Hiro. "Yeah. Nothing." "Baymax, I need you to watch over (y/n) until I get out of class, okay?"

Baymax nodded while Hiro made his way to the door. "Later (y/n)!" He dodged a pencil I threw and laughed. "Science time. Kind of ironic I'm in a lab, I think." The window sill seemed like a comfortable spot to work. It had a great view. The online school page popped up and I began working, which was easy at first. Thats when I hit the hard questions with explaining in your own words. "Man, I hate these."

In the corned of my eye, a couple of figures waved. It was Gogo, Wasabi, and Hiro who walked to another part of a building as I waved back. "A common lower back complaint is hyperlordosis. What ate the major causes? Explain. A medical question, a frickin medical question! How should I know about medical stuff!? I thought this was science!" 

I mean it because I have a science book, not a medical book. "My database contains your information. If it will help I can bring up a paragraph on hyperlordosis." "Thank you Baymax, you just saved my life!" He tilted his head. "You are welcome. Though you weren't in physical danger." "Well to me, I was." 

Let's just say I learned more than I bargained for in medical science, but Baymax made it more understandable. "There. Science is done for the week." "You have been a good listener. Hiro has made more choices in lollipop flavors, which would you like?"  That surprised me and I grinned. "A (fav.flavor) one." "Here you go." Happily, I took the lollipop when my phone buzzed.

'Hiro: Lunch time! Meet is outside and bring Baymax.'

"Let's go Baymax. Hiro said to meet everyone outside." An idea popped into my head, smiling innocently. "Baymax, can I sit on your shoulders? My back is hurts when I walk." Baymax picked me up by the waist before proceeding to walk. "HI GUYS!" The gang looked amused at me and Baymax. "You two look adorable!" Honey took a picture and Hiro walked up. "Alright come on down (y/n)." 

Today I felt a little mischievous, so I held my arms up and let myself fall back. "TRUST FALL!" I was gonna flip and land on my feet, but someone caught me. "What the heck (y/n)?!" It is Hiro. "At least I know you'll be there to catch me."

Suddenly we heard a bunch of yelling and a bunch of students running from a building. "What are those things?!" "They're not real! They're not real!" "We're all going crazy!" "We didn't even eat lunch yet!"

We turned our heads at that last comment that came from Fred. "I'm serious guys!" I agree with him. "Guys, time to suit up! (Y/n), go back to my lab and stay there!" I watched the gang run off somewhere. "As if. Hey!" A girl stopped running. "What's going on?" She stuttered with fear in her eyes. "There's these weird creatures or whatever attacking the library! Like human sized bats!" She ran off and I groaned whole running to the library. 

"Cave Demons

Hiro Hamada X Psychic! ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang