C H A P T E R 1 7_

458 25 18

(song above is dedicated to Esther Mason)

I face my foes with a fire like never before. My soul is alive with the power within from my heart. I have unleashed the monster inside me.

I use flames to let them dance around the battlefield as if fires are starting spontaneously all around me. I thrust my hands forward as the earth erupts into an explosion of rock, tearing the body of a mimic apart into the air like shattering glass.

I whirl around to yank out the pistol from my side and finish off the one behind me that was struck with a spike of ice. I bend my spine all the way back when a creature lunges at me, letting it fly over my head. I only have to look at it when it lands, letting a pillar of ice shoot up from where it is and impale it to let me charge for the one at my right. I leap into air, doing a flip to allow my body to fly over the demon and land on my feet again, not even looking back as I continue to run, the mimic behind me being eaten by flames and flying stones crushing it.

I fling a blade forward to let it pierce the monster ahead that stands in a group, killing it instantly as I throw myself into the air and land down with my hand casting a circular wave of wind harsh as a hurricane around me, hitting every mimic on the grounds with a horrid blow of force and knocking them into each other.

I stand up and finish them all with a hand towards the heavens, casting any ability I have left in my soul to bring forth the might of my gifts. I open my fingers to let light cast out like rays of the sun, smiting all beings around me and letting them drop dead around me suddenly.

I stand in the midst of the bodies of millions of mimics, irises bright like that of the light I conjured as I take deep breaths into my lungs. But I don't feel worn out. I don't feel tired. I feel alive. I look up at Loki who watches me from where he is, grinning a little as he calls out to me, "I think I've done my job."

I snicker and stand up straight again, still speaking breathy as I reply, "I haven't."

He frowns a little in confusion at that statement.


"This is absurd. Why would I need this thing?" Loki asks with a disgusted look as he fiddles with the rifle I gave him.

"Mimics don't die well with just ice or throwing blades so it would be wise to get used to a faster weapon," I tell him.

"I'm not the one who needs to be faster, Esther."

I smirk. "I think I'm fast enough."

"Yes well fortunately you're probably right. But I don't need this mortal weaponry. I'm not the one who kept us dying before. I can get by just fine," he protests.

I raise a brow. "Be that as it may, a gun can still help you. You never know if you'll need it or not, so it's better to be safe than sorry."

He sighs and looks down at the weapon, analyzing just how he should be holding it with frustration.

"Like this," I say as I walk over to him and I reposition his hands to where he is holding it correctly.

He fiddles with it and then holds it up to aim to the left of him. He pouts and lowers it. "I'd rather have my scepter," he complains.

I roll my eyes. "Well, you don't have it. So stop complaining."

He snickers. "Fine," he looks at me with slight amusement. "So how do you plan to teach me to use--?"

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