Art smarts.

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I don't want to be who I am anymore. I don't want to be seen as artsy or creative, because people like me are not seen as the type of person I want to be. Like polar oppisites. Creativeness vs mathematics. Im struggling to show people that both are very effective. I'm striving to be someone great someone grand. But people opinions are making me not want to keep standing as the person I am. People around me think highly of you when your smart, when you can beat them in math or science. I get admiration with my art, but not many people think of me as smart. I know I'm bright, I know I'm brilliant. I spread my own type of light, with my art like intelligence. I'm not getting the type of credit for the smarts it takes me to do my thing. Why do people think that it doesn't take smarts to make things like paintings, drawings, writing, music and instrument playing? Why does that have to be a separate catagory? Who's the one to determine smarts anyways?


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