Is it going to be the same?

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I took my past. And looked it over. I went though some old papers. And as I looked though. I realized that everything was about you. And as I kept reading, I only discovered that I was wrong. That the poem I wrote was about another love. And I gasped, at the fact. That my love life has been the same in the past.

It makes me worry for the future. And I think if the next one will be just like you. I don't want them to turn into you. And I'm sorry if that's offensive to you. I just didn't like the way you made me feel. And I don't want to re-live that again. I wonder if falling in love is worth it again. And I know what that answer is. But are those good feelings really worth all the bad? I don't know how to feel. And should I even feel? Is it to soon to tell? And I just want to know... I want to know, will the future only repeat the past?

Rethink Everything.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें