Chapter 11 ~ Glow

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Mwahaha haha *cough cough* haha

What is the curer's name?

Lady Lillian? As I said, life is confusing. Hey... I wonder if I could use my "magical demon powers" to make my throat all better. I touched my neck, closed my eyes, and focused on the inside of it, imagining a brightly glowing, yellowish white healing light in the spot. You know, it's kinda weird having someone bow to you when you're lying on the ground.

It's kind of weird to have someone bow down to you in general... "There's no need to call me that! And seriously? Bowing? I don't deserve any bows... Gees." I stood up, and wiped my butt off.

"I- I'm sorry My Lady."

"I'm not your lady either."

"Sorry my Lord."

"Just call me Lila, or Lily, or whatever you want to call me that refers to my name... I'm not a princess or anything like that. That title doesn't belong to me."

"Oh, but it does." Devon said as he looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you even know who your parents are?" The other dude blurted out. His eyes widened, and I rolled my eyes.

"All I know about them is that they are both dead, and the fact that my mother." I spat out. "Is a rotten liar."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of..." The older dude looked at his feet... He's amusing...

"No no, go on..."

"Well, they're..."

Devon interrupted, "You are widely known, Lila."

"What about my parents?"

"They're part of as to why you are well known."

"What if I don't want to be well known?"

"You can't change destiny."

"Hey, may I ask who you are?" I turned to talk to the other dude after the destiny thing was sinking in.

"Joshua, at your service." He said as he got down on one knee and bowed once more.

"Stop that!" I smacked him upside the head.

"Ow, that hurt! Uh, I mean, yes ma'am!"

Devon laughed at Joshua's stupidity.

"If I say we're friends and you're not my servant, will you stop acting like that?"

"Like what my lady?"

I smacked him in the head again. "Like that dummy! And what did I tell you about calling me that?"

He scrunched up his face, and said, "You will always be my lady. Like this kid said... Devon, right?" Devon nodded his head. "You can't change destiny."

"What about the moral lesson of changing destiny? That you could choose your own path?"

"Everyone's life is laid out in front of them, my Lady. Even if you think that you have a choice, the decisions you make will always lead up to your destiny, because destiny knows the choices you will make."

Deep. So, I don't have a choice anymore?

"Well, anyways, nice meeting y'all... Where do I go to check out of this Inn? I'd really like to go home now." I pointed behind me.

But do I even have a home?

"Inn? This isn't an inn... And isn't this your home?" Josh asked.

"Well, you said it was an inn, and I want to go home. I live on East Floral Street..."

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