Chapter 3 ~ Dissapearing Act

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I woke up, in a bed and tried to lift my heavy head.

My body felt as though I got hit by a semi truck, and the semi truck kept rolling over me. Then, I got thrown off a cliff. After that, someone shot me a bunch of times all over the place. I got tossed into the air and got pelted by birds and airplanes, and the cycle started again and again making me feel worse and worse.

I tell you that it hurt, bad. Imagine your worst pain times a million and bingo, you got it.

Wincing in pain,
Tears filled my eyes.
Well today is going to be another fun day.

I heard a knock at the door. I tried to say come in, but it sounded like cobe ven. Whoever it was obviously understood what I said, because the knob on the door turned. I wonder who it is.

Who? I spaced out in my random thoughts while
Sir came in and sat next to me on the bed.

He like moved every part of my body when the bed sunk down. I winced in pain once again.

He wiped the tears out of my eyes. Well that was sweet of him. I wonder if he's trying to be a fatherly figure. I wouldn't know because I've only seen TV shows about normal families with fathers.

I tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace. Those face muscles hurt the most you know.
He looked sympathetic. He even looked as though he had tears gathering up in his eyes.

He said,"It's time for your morning beating, and I offered to do the rest of the beatings other than at night. I won't beat you, but make sure madam doesn't find out."

That's nice, bet he is afraid of Madam.

"Here, I got these for you."

He put my necklace around my neck that I assumed fell on the floor while getting beat.

He also handed me a glass of water and some food. I said,

"Ank ew."

He muttered something to himself that I couldn't quite understand with his hand hovering over my necklace.

I started feeling better. The pain was drifting away from my body.
It was quite a weird feeling though.
I asked worriedly,

"Where's Aurora sir?"

Hey! My face doesn't hurt anymore. I can talk normally too!

Sir answered,

"Aurora is sleeping still as it is early in the morning.
You don't need to call me sir either, call me Frank."

I nodded, sill a little confused, but whatever.
At least someone here would help look after me and Aurora.

I took a bite out of my sandwich, I was starving.
Then, I took a drink and sighed. I have a newfound love for this guy.

I said that I was grateful, he nodded, then he left. I didn't really want him to leave me.

I got up and looked for an outfit.

I took out a pair of black leggings, a royal blue, fancy tanktop with a bow, to match the blue eyes I had myself, and some light brown boots to carry downstairs.

I brushed out my dirty blond hair, and then walked down stairs. I started to make breakfast containing sausages, eggs, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, and hash browns.

Food was ready, and then I walked outside to take a morning stroll. I walked up the street, and saw a little park.

I walked over to it and sat on a swing feeling very emotional. I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears as thoughts about what's happened over the last few days came swirling into my mind.

Tears started falling down my cheeks and dripped onto the ground. A guy who looked a little older than me came over and sat next to me. He just stared at me. Crying is a sign of weakness. I do not need to show this boy that I am weak. I wiped my eyes and said,"Hello, I'm Lila, who are you?" He gasped and his mouth fell open.

His eyes dropped to my necklace. He then said,

"Wait, are you L-Lila T-Tallwood?" I was confused on how he knew my last name, but I still held out my hand and said,

"Yes, and you are?" His eyes lit up, and his voice went an octave higher as he said,

"Oh yeah, m-my n-name is Devon Ri-Richards. It was nice to meeting you," and he disappeared into thin air. My jaw dropped.

The one question came to mind was WHAT?!!! I was so confused. Maybe it didn't actually happen, maybe I was just hallucinating.

I do that a lot. I got up off the swing and started walking further away from the house. I was rather confused to be honest. Am I losing my sanity? No, I already lost it long ago.

Never mind about that. I kept walking. Then I heard an unfamiliar voice call my name. Oh frick, another person who knows my name. Creepy hallucinations. Maybe this is all one big nightmare. Just keep walking Lila and ignore her.

I obeyed my thoughts, and just kept walking, hiding my face. Then, a girl who was about a head taller then me, had curled, brown hair, and had rather pretty golden eyes appeared right before my eyes.

My eyes widened and I stepped backwards slowly, and then turning and breaking into a run. This is not I repeat NOT happening. I was losing my sanity after all.

Wait, I already lost it. Oh well. The girl appeared in front of me again and I started running the other way. The girl said,

"Lila, we are not here to hurt you, we just need to take you to someone to speak to you that will help you."

We. We. Who is we. Another person. I yelled,


And somehow, I made the sidewalk break as I ran. Was I really that heavy? I mean I wasn't exactly skinny, but I wasn't fat either.

The now gravel started floating up, and I fell over with a big bang, my knees, head, and hands were all bloody, and the world, once again slipped from my mind, as all my senses disappeared.


Well, what do you think? I guess it's starting to get a little magical up in here. Any who, thanks for reading!!!

Just shake it all out,
R.L. Smith

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