Chapter 8 ~ Broken

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Hello again!!! There is a trigger warning for this chapter.

Anyways, the question is...
How old is Lila?

This chap is dedicated to Gryffindor_Bre for answering my last question.

On with the story.

Have you had, very overwhelming feelings that just make you want to sit in a corner if the room and cry?

Well, that is how I feel right now.

The sadness, of thinking your mom will be at your side in a blink, but she is gone... Gone forever.

The homeyness, of being back home after a long trip.

The anger, why did they have to take my mom away, why can't I take Aurora with me, why am I so strange, why did my mom lie to me?

The happiness, to get away from Madam.

Aloneness, I will be alone from now on, plus I've never had any real friends in the first place. I was a freak, and always will be.

I took out my key, and opened the front door. Everything is still here, well, except for the trunk that I took. The living room was dark, and I flipped the light switch, while kicking off my shoes.

I felt glad in a way, but at a loss. Emotions pretty much failed my thoughts, and to think, it's only been a few days.

A few days since everything changed. A few days since I learned I had magic. A few days since Aurora's birth date. A few days since my mom has passed.

Tears dripped down my face. I wiped the tears, and sat on the couch, sinking low into it, sighing. Life just keeps on getting better and better, doesn't it?


I grabbed a lamp, and threw it. The lamp shattered against the wall, making a loud noise.

I stood up, and started pulling on my hair, hard, pulling some of it out. I need to stop. This is my mom's house.

It started raining... In the house. Everything was getting drenched. That's just great.

I looked in the door mirror.

What the heck? I'm blue, and floating. And, oh, my gosh, my eyes. My eyes are glowing, bright blue?
My clothes and hair are even blue, and I think I have a wall of water around me.

My hair, was defying gravity, and I was breathing... In the water.

Calm, calm, calm..... I CAN'T CALM DOWN!!! I AM FREAKING FLOATING IN THE DAMN AIR!!! What is this?

"What is happening to me?" I whispered to myself. "First fire, and now this?"

More sad thoughts flew into my head. Times of before everything seemed weird. Times of my mom.

The times of when we would laugh together. Times when I got mad at her, and she didn't even raise her voice at me. When she took care of me, no matter what happened.

Then, I saw her, standing there. I slowly reached out to her. I felt so relieved. I fell to the floor, and I wasn't blue anymore.


I reached for her face, and she backed away. My eyes widened.

"Mom? Please, don't leave me like this."

She walked further backwards as I took another step. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Wait, mom... Mom... Please..." I grabbed her, but she somehow just disappeared from my fingertips. I hadn't even felt her touch. Her skin.

I started sobbing. The grief had overcame me.

"P-Please, j-just make it-t s-stop."

The madness needs to stop.

I walked into the kitchen, and rummaged through the drawers. They all had utensils, but not the one I was looking for.

This life has become difficult, maybe too difficult. I looked on the counter.

"There it is." I said in a shaky voice. I grabbed the handle, and stood there, staring at the knife.

I took a deep breath, and held it up, blade pointing towards my heart. I'm going to die someday, why not it be today? I am prepared. I must do this.

Everybody shuns me. I'm not wanted on this planet. No one cares. I will never see Aurora again, and my mom has left me. This life isn't fair, like many, but I have made my choice.

I swung my arms in a jabbing motion towards me, and stopped when it reached my chest.

I have never had any friends, because apparently I caused things that I couldn't control. No one will understand me. No one will, ever.

I jabbed the knife faster, and stopped it right at my chest again.

Silent tears fell down my face. It is time to end my suffering.

It may be selfish, but to be honest, I haven't got anything to lose. I don't have anyone in my life, to guide me. Life for everyone would be easier if I weren't here, since I am too dangerous. People can live without me, and most will never know I have ever existed. I am finally Broken.

I took one last breath...



I'm ruining the moment, but whatever. Sorry if I triggered anything, but I did have a trigger warning. Not to be selfish, but give me the feedback!!! Positive or Negative, I just want something!!!

Anyways, thanks for reading!!! Have a nice day!!! Maybe.

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JK, do what you want.

Keep moving forward, no matter what, because eventually, the pain will ease.

R.L. Smith

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