Chapter 1 ~ The Decision

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Panic arose in me, trying to think what I was going to do. Is Aroura going to go into an orphanage? Would I have to go to an orphanage?

All of our relatives have passed. This made me upset and confused. The doctor gave me a consoling look and asked, "Are you going to be okay?"

Of course I'm not okay.

I swallowed hard and looked at her, thinking whether I should tell her or not about Aurora going to an orphanage.

It felt like she read my mind when she said,

"She'll have to go to an orphanage, and you can go with her if you want to."

I nodded and tried to smile, but sadly, I couldn't. The guilt was too heavy on me, and the smile just turned into a grimace.

She said in a fast, but comforting manner,

"Well, it's your decision so what'll it be?"

I thought through what might happen in each situation while not wanting Aurora to feel abandoned, so I said in a quiet tone,

"I think I will go with her, you know, to the orphanage."

Aurora started weeping. I picked her up slowly, holding her head, and tears filled in my eyes again, I kissed her gently on the head, and I said,

"It'll be okay, I will try my hardest to take care of you."

My guilt became less heavy when saying this. I made the strongest bond. Love. The kind of love that can never go away, true love.

It hurt so bad, I didn't want to lose her like the rest of my family.

The doctor smiled at me and said,

"I think you will be a great elder sister. All we need to do is check her vitals, make a birth certificate, and you can go to your new foster home. Can I have Aurora back now? You might have to spend the night here before you leave."

I kissed Aurora, and hesitantly handed her back over to the doctor. She told me that Aurora was going to stay in the baby room and left.

Some doctors walked in and took out the bed where the lump was.

They walked past me and I saw on the side of the bed a hand hanging down. My stomach twisted and fell.

I walked over to a recliner chair and sat, thinking over what had happened throughout the day. I started crying, while just wanting to kill myself, but I knew I couldn't. I needed to live for someone.

Aurora would be the one who kept me going. She might even possibly fill the hole in my heart. Who knows. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.

Well leave your comments and thanks for reading!!!

To fill the dark void with light, one must be willing to let someone into their heart, breaking all the barriers.


R.L. Smith

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