Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅

Start from the beginning

"Do you have the file with you?" I ask her. She nods her head and hands it to me.

I open up the file and look through it. I see its a serial rapist. I carefully assess the information and the pictures before responding.

"Damn" I say "this is a tough case" I whistle and hum under my breath.

They have no evidence for the previous 5 rapes accept for a signature the only thing connecting him is the last rape victims identifying him in a line up and her testimony. There was no blood, saliva, semen. No Trace evidence they could use to back them up whether or not the victim were to testify.

I sigh "Ms. Cooke you're new here fresh out of college. I'm going to give you some advice that I have learned over the last 5 years. Even though eye witness testimonies are for some reason extremely convincing you should always always always have a plan B and plan C hell even a plan D. You should have told the detectives you needed more evidence. If you can't convince your witness to testify you're whole case is out the window as you said. I know how frustrating it is to know who the killer is but being able to do nothing about it. I'm in a similar situation. Serial killer I've been dealing with for 5 years since I started as a newbie here. He's taunting us. Killing people every few months but I can't do anything about it because there is no evidence. I know exactly who he is yet I can't stop him from killing anyone because no evidence that ties him to the crime. I know you want to put this rapist away but it's not going to do any good to go to trial and then him be acquitted because there wasn't any evidence. The point I'm trying to get is make sure you have more than an eye witness alright?" I tell her

She nods her head in understanding "You're right God I'm so stupid" she says hatefully making me frown at the tears in her eyes.

"Hey you're not stupid it's your first year, it's your first big case like this. Don't beat yourself up okay? I'm telling you this so you can become a better lawyer not so you can think low of yourself. You should think highly of yourself because you are one of the few braves souls out there who have come for my help. It's something everyone should do because of my experience and because of the amount of cases I have won and the fact that I'm your boss. I'd love to help you guys but no one comes to me so I sit here and do my own work" I tell her honestly

She smiles "You know your not as bad as you think" she says.

"Shh don't tell anyone I do have a reputation to keep up." I tell her and she laughs.

"Okay on a serious note you're too far in to fix anything but what I would do is try to convince your witness that if she doesn't do this the man that raped her will be on the streets willing to rape other women. Remind her of all the victims he's killed and try to get her to realize she's your only hope. Support her, be there for her. That's all you can do" I tell her

She nods her head "Thank you so much Mr. Picozzi" she says. I hand her the file back and she smiles gratefully and leaves the office.

I look over and Brayden is smirking "So you can be nice?" He says.

I roll my eyes "Yes I can, I can also be a dick if that's what you want" I tell him. He raises his hands in mock surrender.

"You're meeting is in 10 minutes" he tells me.

"What meeting?" I ask him he raises a brow "The one with your brother" he says

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