Chapter 1

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Alice: Yo Jen watch out!

I didn't need to move, I used my psychic powers to slow down the sharp dagger and throw it the other way. And as always Mavis caught it.

Alice: Sorry Empress!

Me: It's alright!

I stretched my leathery black dragon wings and yawned. Ever since I left my kingdom, and fulfilled my journey to get people to respect my kind things just have been boring. 

Mavis: Ayo Jen, come and train with us! Bet I can kick your ass!

All my sisters made dramatic noises. They knew that I am the strongest out of all of them, and I can kick Mavis's butt. Smirking, I got up with my usual purple arura surrounding me.

Me: Come at me bro.

Mavis picked up her sword and lunged at me, as usual I used my powers to block it. Mavis letting out a battle cry as she lunged at me again, I closed my eyes and simply moved out of the way. Growing frustrated, her speed and aggression picked up as she kept trying to attack me. She stopped to catch a quick breath.

Mavis: Oh come on!

Me: Humph, I'm getting bored.

I opened my eyes and flames came out my left hand, water out of my right, the air current around us picked up harshly as if a tornado was occuring.

Mavis: !!!

I came at her with all the force I had in me. My other sisters Alice, Nema, and Scarlet cheered me on. I sent Mavis flying back as my movements became steady and faster. I remember all of my training from our home. I didn't even start attacking when Mavis came at a holt, landing on a near by tree branch.

Mavis: Let's call it a day.

Me: Yeah, because you know what going to happen.

A purple tatoo on my right eye appeared as my psychic powers returned, I slowly walked up to her to get her scared.

Mavis: !!!

Scarlet: Ooooooh you in for it now!

I stopped at the front of the tree, looking up at Mavis, just staring at her without blinking. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled nervously.

Me: ......... Well? Come on, lets go home.

She sighed out in relief as I turned away from her picked up some wind and took off. I smirked and looked back.

Me: And one more thing-

I flicked my hand outward to her and she fell off the tree.

Me: Never do a bet against me again.

Mavis: ........

We both smiled and laughed. She got up, picked up her sword and joined me. Her red wings shone in the sun light.

Me: Nema, Scar, Alice come on!

Alice: Coming Empress!

Gathering their weapons, they released their wings and joined me. Cracking jokes and laughing, we all went home.

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